Final Fantasy XIII Trophies
Total Trophies: 36In Final Fantasy XIII, players will embark on a journey through the cityworld of Cocoon and the outerworld of Pulse, encountering and fighting alongside a diverse group of allies. Execute powerful attacks with weapons and magic, and summon the enigmatic Eidolons with an evolved Active Time Battle system. Experience seamless transitions between real-time gameplay and in-game cinematics. Do you have the courage to face your destiny?
Ultimate Hero
Acquired all trophies.
Commando’s Seal
Mastered the Commando role.
Ravager’s Seal
Mastered the Ravager role.
Sentinel’s Seal
Mastered the Sentinel role.
Saboteur’s Seal
Mastered the Saboteur role.
Synergist’s Seal
Mastered the Synergist role.
Medic’s Seal
Mastered the Medic role.
Instrument of Fate
Took the first steps toward challenging an unjust fate.
Instrument of Dissent
Survived the Purge to confront a greater peril.
Instrument of Tragedy
Strode into danger’s den and paid the consequences.
Instrument of Flight
Slipped through the net and lived to fight another day.
Instrument of Vengeance
Resolved to be more than a victim of circumstance.
Instrument of Survival
Evaded pursuers, though memories of the past still gave chase.
Instrument of Rebellion
Made plans to infiltrate enemy-occupied territory.
Instrument of Shame
Carried the burden of guilt to the end of the line.
Instrument of Wrath
Took the fight to the enemy’s door.
Instrument of Truth
Recognized the true threat to the world’s future.
Instrument of Hope
Traveled to the world below, seeking a way to alter fate.
Pulsian Pioneer
Took over 10,000 steps on the lowerworld surface.
Gysahl Wreath
Discovered buried treasure with a little help from a chocobo.
Kelger’s Cup
Completed all low-level Cie’th Stone missions.
Xezat’s Chalice
Completed all mid-level Cie’th Stone missions.
Limit Breaker
Dealt 100,000+ damage with a single attack.
Adamant Will
Felled a heavyweight of the lowerworld wilds.
Master’s Seal
Fully developed all characters.
Instrument of Faith
Defied destiny’s charge and embarked on a different path.
Triumphed over undying lowerworld souls in seven fierce battles.
Toppled a green terror and cut an oversized succulent down to size.
Natural Selector
Passed Titan’s trials.
Dorgann’s Trophy
Completed all high-level Cie’th Stone missions.
Galuf’s Grail
Completed all Cie’th Stone missions.
Treasure Hunter
Held every weapon and accessory.
Discerned the full attributes of 100 enemies.
Instrument of Change
Witnessed the dawn of a new crystal legend.
L’Cie Paragon
Earned a 5-star ranking for all Cie’th Stone missions.
Earned a 5-star ranking in the battle to determine the world’s fate.
So cant wait for this, If only i had lots of money i could play it now. 1st
Stunning game so far only 5 hours in but it’s already great.
of all the times for a ps3 to get a ylod eh? i’ll probably ‘borrow’ this after mate has completed it
This game is totaly amazing! Its the best game ive ever played on the ps3 !
Sigh… I’ll buy the game next month. Damn this country…
i want this game !!! add me guys, i got a new psn BiONiC-ALiEN ok please.
is it me or have the big games trophy list getting smaller?
its you, check the heavy rain trophy list, both games get you the same/similar amount of trophy points though
Going to eb games/gamestop to this game right now
never really played these games might give ’em a shot once they get cheaper. 😉
All games have a certain number of “trophu points” that they can distribute however they like.. final has five gold so there alot less trophies than a game that has no gold
😉 i thought they would be all hidden in a JRPG
So what does everyone think of the game so far(for those who have played it).I love FF so my opinion is obvious but is there anyone who is playing a FF game for the first time?
defo my favouite game on ps3 at the mooment, im only 4 hours in but im in love!
I never played much of the FF games before since I really don’t like JRPGs and all the cheesiness in ’em of the dialogue and music especially. But, I’ve been following that FFXIII closely with its sci-fi setting, it got me interested in it, so I bought it anyways!
I didn’t played much yet since I still have other games to finish before and everyone knows that FF games takes many hours to finish! I just did that first boss on the tutorial and I was impressed for the graphics so far. The fighting mechanic seems cool too… but as I read somewhere else, seems you’ll have to keep spamming abilities to just defeat the later bosses in the game. And also, the tutorial is supposed to take about 25 hours to beat… then, you “play”.
The game got many mixed reviews but guess its only normal for a huge franchise as FF. Still have to beat that Brutal Legend game, Resident Evil 5 DLCs before playing FFXIII… oh and got Darksiders to beat as well. Not sure if I’ll Plat any of those games… so time consuming.
The game looks great, but doesn’t play so well so far. I’m about 4-5 hours in and it’s still rather basic. The battles are rather easy and only last a few seconds to a few minutes. There isn’t a whole lot of action and there are a ton of cut-scenes in the first part of the game.
It’s still good, but I’m hoping that it gets better later in the game like everyone keeps saying.
@G-Rich: did you play any FF games before? Just 4 – 5 hrs in playing and say it “Easy”? It’s normal, friend! Just keep playing and find out more , you will see!
I’m playing final fantasy for the first time, and I LOVE IT! It truly is an amazing game. It slowly opens new techniques to use during combat, which makes it easy for a noob like myself to get into.
What can I say. Square-Enix, I’m hooked. I’ll be purchasing Versus XIII day one. Hell, may even subscribe to XIV.
Yes. I haven’t played almost all of them. I’m 5 chapters in and it’s still pretty easy compared to the other games. You get one somewhat challenging boss every once in awhile, but each fight usually only lasts like 20 seconds. We’ll see later on.
I meant I haven’t played all of them, but most of them. 😛
Wowww. 5 star all Missions AND the Final Battle. This game will take a lot of dedication to max out characters since at 30 hours in learning 1 spot in the Crystarium is costing me 10k points..
This is the 1st FF game i’ve played, and so far i’m loving it. I’ve played it for about 8 hours and the linear bit at the start isn’t as bad as everyone’s making it out to be.
Saw it the shop yesterday and I decided to get this over BFBC2, so far I’m not regretting it!
@G-Rich: Wow, sorry ^^ I love this game and not played all of them yet, like you. I think may be you are tough or game is easy, hope it’s because of you ^^
I’m not saying it’s bad. I just had higher expectations for it. I just don’t see it as a game that I will remember fondly and want to play 10 years from now like I do with most of the FF games that I have played.
I find it pretty good 🙂 long time ago that i realy liked a ff cince 7 and 8 , those were the games ..
Might pick this one up hopefully it is not to easy might wait until it is cheaper or rent it. Does this on involve guns or still swords and such.
sazh (some character) plays with guns… so in a way this involves guns…
any FF games have gun involved…
@G-Rich: I see some battle clip on Youtube, the final battle’s easy…
Beat this game and 5 star’d all the missions. I just have a few trophies left until platinum. IMO this game is pretty boring until chapter mid chapter 11 and up. And then after you beat it it gets good. Completing all the missions and getting 5 stars with them. took me like 1 hour or so to get the damn last mission done.But maxing out yer characters skills is very easy and fast and be done in one day if you have the growth egg. You can get about 950k CP per hour.
were can i find the growth egg
What is the highets lvl on the wepons ??
Not sure. I think it’s 25 or so.
Correction. It’s one level after 25. So technically 26.
ok ty^^
decent game, I recommend white knight chronicles.
the weapons can be transformed 2x… there’s a basic weapon, then an upgrade and after that you can get the ultimate weapon for the character…
first transformation takes place at around lvl 26 like G-rich suggested
next upgrade is around lvl 60, but that differs from the weapon.
i have an omegaweapom lvl 87
Okay. I finally got a weapon up to level 60. Can all weapons be upgraded past that or just some?
I am totally confused. I have not beat the game so please don’t spoil anything but I was looking on how to max out my Crystarium and a guide I see keeps saying you can’t unlock level 5 until you’ve completed the game. Soo….does that mean I will be able to continue playing in the game I have now after I’ve completed it, obviously meaning all the CP I gained and things I will still have, or will I have to start over after I beat the game in a new game to unlock the level 5, thus basically starting over everything and therefore wasting my time if I try gaining a ton of CP in this game I’m playing now just to loose it when I have to start over again to get the trophy? I hope that didn’t confuse anyone >.<
When you beat the game you can keep playing and go back to most of the areas that you were previously. That’s my understanding. I haven’t beaten the game yet but I am at the end.
completely true… you can still play the game, even though you finished the final boss
I just beat this. 😀
Be careful everywhere. It seems that FF13 can ruin your disc reader. I was played postgame and was trying to get the rest of the trophies, but it kept freezing when I tried to warp. I looked online and found some people are having the same issues and they said that they kept trying to play and it caused their disc reader to fail. 🙁
Thanks a lot for the answers and I have one more question! Do you have to 5-star the cieth missions the first time or is it possible to go back and re-do them and get 5 stars? I’m in the Tower right now and it’s kinda upsetting to think that I may have to let go of that trophy if I can’t 5-star these right now since they’re mandatory.
You can go back and redo them all. After you beat the game, it saves it and you are back right before the last boss so it’s like nothing changed, but you still get the crystarium upgrade from beating him.
Ahhhh awesome. BTW I beat all of them with 3 stars so my concern was unfounded but this is good to know, nonetheless. I sooo wanna get the Platinum for this one! Okay okay so another question, sorry! I should just have you on speed dial 😛
About the having to have had every weapon and accessory thing.
1) Is this something you have to be trying to get all throughout the game from the beginning? Is there sort of a ‘point of no return’ as in you missed one and now you’re just screwed or can they all be bought or found later?
2) How in the world do you get enough money to buy all the items? I mean, you don’t make money from fighting after all o.O
My understanding is that there are no missable trophies. I am sure that every item you can get in a chest or buy or get from an enemy. There are a lot of weapons that you have to get from upgrading as well. To get money, you need to sell some of the things that you get from enemies such as the credit chips, perfume and various other items. If it says in the description that it can be sold for a premium, then sell it.
I wouldn’t worry about buying the items just yet because every expensive item that I have seen in the store was in a chest later on in the game. 😀
There are only a few that can only be gotten from the stores.
I’m trying to get my characters to develop as high as possible before I meet the final boss (I’m in chapter 13 now)
I know you can redo the missions, but there’s a trophy that requires a 5star rating on the second form of the final boss… can you redo the boss after the game is finished?
K thanks!