Fritz Chess Trophies
Total Trophies: 37The chess game “Fritz” teaches players the basics of the world’s most famous board game in an entertaining way. It’s a fun game that is exciting to play, easy to learn, and not at all easy to master.
Collect all the trophies in Fritz chess to unlock this platinum trophy
Win 1 match
Up and comer
Win 5 matches
Win 10 matches
Win 15 matches
Win 20 matches
Venerable Master
Win 25 matches
Quick and deadly
Win 1 match without Time Limit in under 10 minutes
Fastest shooter
Win 1 match without Time Limit in under 5 minutes
Win 1 match against an opponent with an ELO less than 500
Win 1 match against an opponent with an ELO 1000 or higher
Giant killer
Win 1 match against an opponent with an ELO 1500 or higher
Legendary Fighter
Win 1 match against an opponent with an ELO 2000 or higher
David against Goliath
Win at Free Chess against an opponent with an ELO higher than yours
Solve 10 puzzles
Solve 30 puzzles
Solve 45 puzzles
Solve 60 puzzles
Tough opponent
Win 30 matches
Respected opponent
Win 35 matches
Win 40 matchs
Devastatting attack
Capture all the pieces in a game of Classic Chess
Chess Fan
Play 20 games
Crazy about Chess
Play 50 games
Chess Addict
Play 100 games
Gored Guard
Defeat the Guard
Brutalized Brute
Defeat the Brute
Jeered Jester
Defeat the Jester
Mashed Merchant
Defeat the Merchant
Hurt Hero
Defeat the Hero
Splattered Spy
Defeat the Spy
Baffled Bishop
Defeat the Bishop
Noxious Knight
Defeat the Black Knight
Crazed Queen
Defeat the White Queen
KO’d King
Defeat the Black King
Chess King
Complete the Adventure Mode
Character celebration
Play a game with Adventure set
I wonder how many people are gonna lie and say they love chess on this thread. the game seems like it could good but i’d rather play real chess tbh.
Even chess? wonder if my brother will platinum this for
I do love chess actually. I go into the mall in home every once in a while to try to play a round… and since that’s there, and its human opponents, I’d rather do that for free than buy this. I would be interested in seeing what the puzzles are like though, it seems there’s quite a few.
I used to play Chess A LOT, really really!!!
Haven’t played it in a while tho, but maybe i’ll give this a try.
Was wondering if the winning games trophy is for ONLINE play or single player vs AI?
If online, i hope it wont be like UFC where ppl QUIT just before loosing!!! >:(
LOLZ this is a full retail game?
You can play chess for free online and also in Home.
I’d pick this up for 9.99 or less….maybe.
For quick wins may I suggest ‘Fool’s mate’
ps. MOD the Platinum 100% trophy is currently showing up as a bronze
TBH Miiitch ur right, i im not a gr8 fan of chess but this looks like a semi-easy plat, i think ill rent it
Is this a game like a disc game or a game you buy on the playstation store?
pretty sure it’s retail dude so it’d be a disc.
It’s got the black knight in it?! “‘Tis but a scratch!”
i do like chess but a game on it no just play as a board game against people you can beat not a programmed computer
Will this be coming to canada? I can’t find this game anywhere?
looks interesting but i prefer chess on home vrs random people one match once lasted over an hour and we had a small crowd watching us
I just got it today, i’m from NY USA i could nof find it in my country either… The UK has it. I got it via ebay, sender’s from N. Ireland.
Did somebody unlocked “Quick and deadly”, “Fastest shooter” or “Character celebration” ? I can’t unlock them, I won several times under 5 minutes a game wihtout clock, and finished the adventure set, but still no one of these 3 trophies…
@Scotty Just ordered it from 🙂
I have got the same problem: Quick and deadly and Fastest shooter. Won match in 12s but can’t unlock them. error? please help
ok, i know this didn’t come out in th US. Thanks
@hurt138 and
@Scotty for writing that. now scotty how much did you pay? hay my nae is scott tooo. 😆
ok, i know this didn’t come out in th US. Thanks
@hurt138 and
@Scotty for writing that. now scotty how much did you pay? hay my name is scott tooo. 😆
my brother made me hate chess. my pride gone so i won’t between enjoying this game. also @ pshome some people get offended when you leave in middle of chess game but babysitten comes 1st an chess takes 5mins-2hrs give or take
hmmm chess…. once the price drops (which i know it will) ill get it. I play chess with friends but im not really that good at it so i can actually wait. In the meanwhile… might as well practice haha xD!
I wrote to kochmedia about these trophies problem (3 trophies are impossible to win with the majority (or all?) ps3). They said they heard about the problem but they don’t know if it’s a bug or if the description of the trophies are wrong…. Not sure they will fix it… So not sure if the platinum will be reachable one day !
Do somebody reached the platinum ? Maybe it’s working in some situation…
Its actually a fun game, but could really have used some online features.
I was researching for an hour where to buy this in USA and found this site
$30.58 here, free shipping.