G-Force Trophies
Total Trophies: 41Based on the 2009 Walt Disney Pictures and Jerry Bruckheimer Films movie, G-Force is an action-packed platformer that puts you in control of Darwin, the G-Force team leader, and his housefly surveillance sidekick Mooch.
Finish mission
Snowball Unleashed
Finish mission
Saberling Offices
Finish mission
Central Computer
Finish mission
RDV Retreat
Finish mission
Distribution Center
Finish mission
Assembly Lines
Finish mission
Chip Manufacture
Finish mission
Finish mission
RDV Escape
Finish mission
FBI Infiltration
Finish mission
Locate The Real Saber
Finish mission
Rescue Saber
Finish mission
Satellite Maintenance
Finish mission
Finish mission
Plasma Gun Expert
Defeated 100 enemies with Plasma Gun
Cluster Rifle Expert
Deafeated 100 enemies with Cluster Rifle
Flame Thrower Expert
Defeated 100 enemies with Flame Thrower
Freeze Gun Expert
Defeated 100 enemies with Freeze Gun
Shot Bolter Expert
Defeated 100 enemies with Shot Bolter
Incendiary Charge Grenadier
Defeated 50 enemies with Incendiary Charges
RDV Pulse Cannon Expert
Defeated 50 enemies with RDV Pulse Cannon
RDV Homing Missile Expert
Defeated 50 enemies with RDV Homing Missiles
NanoHack Expert
Defeated 50 enemies using NanoHacked enemies
Big Spender
Spent more than 10000 Sabersense chips at kiosks
Combat Trainee
100 enemies defeated
Combat Expert
500 enemies defeated
Tooled-Up Agent
Purchased all new weapons and weapon upgrades (excluding ammo capacity)
Wealthy Agent
Accumulate more than 5000 Sabersense chips
G-Force Trainee
Completed game on Easy difficulty setting
G-Force Recruit
Completed game on Normal difficulty setting
G-Force Agent
Completed game on Hard difficulty setting
G-Force Special Agent
Complete the game on ‘Special Agent’ difficulty
Silver Data Disk Discoverer
Collected 50% (25) of all Silver Data Disks in the game
Master Agent
Fully upgraded character with all possible weapons and upgrades
Combat Veteran
1000 enemies defeated
Achieved an average hit rate of at least 80% with projectile weapons
Marching Agent
Walk more than 20km with Darwin
G-Force Wings
Fly more than 2km with Mooch
Intelligence Expert
Scan 100 items in the game
Distinguished Service Medal
Completed game twice
G-Force Rapid Response Agent
Completed game in under 8 hours (on any difficulty setting)
Silver Data Disk Expert
Collected 100% (50) of all Silver Data Disks in the game
100% Complete
You have unlocked every other trophy.
My son will love this easy platinum. lol feel free to add me at psn: goldeyes.
looks fun
looks piss easy
lots of silver trothy s .might buy
STFU!!! christus11
Bunch of people will be whoring this one .
looks nooby
not as easy as it looks but still fairly easy and fun
Is This game worth of money? 🙂
And i dont mean trophies! ;D
… this game is lots of fun but the only problem is that there is not enough money in the game!!! I played through the game 4 times looking for all the secerts for bonus cash and prizes and still fell short at the end of the game!!! If you don’t want the platinum its really easy to get 75% in the game but steer clear if your a platinum player only.
Lol at everyone screaming easy and kiddie. You’re looking at 4 playthroughs and 40+ hours. I’m working on it…quite a challenge.
tumpipi, its not worth buying it. just rent it you can get all the trophies in 3 days if you play it all day long. it took me 5 because i wet slow the first time though. the hard trophies are 50 silver dishs, scan 100 THAT ARE NOT JUST THE SAME THING, and up grade all your weapons. 😎
Is it
Is Completing this game in less than 8 hours hard? Kind of a unique trophy. How much is this game listed as ? add my Psn: Paper_wings 42
this game is nice and fun i playd it 3 to 4 times and its great and to finish the game in less than 8 hours is easy coz i finished in 6 hours
any idea how 2 get this 2 trophies 1-RDV Homing Missile Expert
2-sharp shooter
only Sharp Shooter trophy
I have a few trophies for this game but it’s not as easy as it looks & getting a platinum will be hard but fun…..Add me PSN sweetpea1983
damn i would get the game today
Je suis dsl, mais dans votre liste de trophées du jeu GForce il n’y a pas 41 mais bien 44 trophées.
let’s me doing and help one another . My Id m-ShAkEr
should I buy it for 9.90 euros
in my town its only 9.90 euros