God of War III Trophies
Total Trophies: 36Set in the realm of Greek mythology, God of War III for the last time puts Kratos at the center of the carnage and destruction as he seeks revenge against the Gods who have betrayed him. This final chapter allows players to take on the climatic role of the ex-Spartan warrior, Kratos, as he treads through the intimidating heights of Mt. Olympus and the dark depths of Hell once more to seek revenge on those who have betrayed him.
King of the Hill
Unlock All Other Trophies
Releasing the Floodgates
Kill Poseidon
Burnt to a Crisp
Acquire the Bow of Apollo
Mr. Hand
Discover the secret ‘Hades Room’
Shine Lord
Kill Helios
Shoe Delivery
Kill Hermes and acquire his Boots
I didn’t do it… But I wish I did!
Kill the Poseidon Princess
Ladies Man
Successfully entertain Aphrodite
Handy Man
Sever Gaia’s hand
Open Sesame
Open the Gates of Tisiphone
Rescue Me
Save Pandora
Three Wise Men
Solve the Three Judges
Hit Man
Perform a 1000-hit combo
Rip One!
Rip apart 1 Olympus Sentry
Nice Tan
Blind 100 enemies with the Head of Helios
Obedience School
Deliver 50 kicks to Hounds
It’s getting hot in here…
Burn 100 enemies with the Bow of Apollo
Souled Out
Summon every Soul with the Claws of Hades
Bloody Hell
Cover Kratos in 500 buckets of blood by killing the enemies
No Guts, No Glory
Gut 3 Centaur Generals
Hitting Your Stride
Upgrade any weapon to the next level
Sibling Rivalry
Kill Hercules
Titan Slayer
Kill Cronos
Kill Zeus
Kill Hades
Freezer Burn
Acquire the Boreas Icestorm
Seeing things from a different perspective
Solve Hera’s Gardens
Eye Candy
Collect all of the Gorgon Eyes
Feather Plucker
Collect all of the Phoenix Feathers
Are You Horny to Win?
Collect all of the Minotaur Horns
Maxed Out!
Completely upgrade all the weapons
Vengeance Complete
Beat the game
Up to the Challenge
Beat the Challenge of Olympus
Beat Titan Mode
Collect all of the ‘Godly Possessions’
Beat the Labyrinth without dying or failing
Looks good, pretty standard trophies, bit disappointed that there are only 36 trophies though!
i have a feeling that “beat the titan mode” is gonna be the hardes one, and that its gonna be hell to do it! based on the Gow 1&2 titan mode difficulties
I was hoping these trophies would be more like the GoW Collection trophies. There’s no way that I’d be able to go through Titan mode without throwing my controller through my TV. Oh, well… 91% or so is still pretty good.
I definitely thought there’d be more than 36 trophies, too.
Titan mode will be a bitch, but a nice challenge.
Beat the game on Titan Mode,now that’s a challenge.Can’t wait!
Definitely a challenge but I know I’ll be able to do it, Played through GoW 2’s Titan mode about 5 times so thats good preparation. Might get one more run in before playing this.
haha didnt come first this time but since none of ye said first………. first
oh man, cant wait for the game…trophy list looks awesome but still kinda disappointed that there’s only 36 trophies….”WHY?”..there shouldve been more.!!
i cant beliee they would dissapoint us with only 36 trophies. unreal. this game is still going to be epic. beating the game on titan mode is going to be ridiculous
yeah titan mode is gonna be really hard! but if you get to keep your uppgrades and items it should be more mortal to do it hehe 😛 but otherwise the game will keep longer XD
awesome trophies, which are along the same lines as the last 2. titan mode is going to be godly hard just like the challenges probably, but with a little patience and dedication its possible
That is all.
lol try god mode on 1st god of war makes the challenges on 1 and 2 look like a piece of piss. if titan mode is anywhere near as hard as that this will be a hard plat
This is definitely going to be GotY! Cant wait!
In the collection the challenges are such a bitch, especially in GOW1 since you can’t save to go back to the same challenge you were at. It took me like 6 hours straight to beat them in GOW1. I agree with the others who said Unhuman will be hard, but it will be a great challenge. And I wonder what the Plat is called, maybe Kratos’ Urn or Kratos’ Revenge. And the secret trophies will most likely have to do with the story, which means they are spoilers, which explains why they are secret. Alot of times I wanted games to have around 30 trophies but not in an epic one like this. But still I don’t mind and I can’t wait for it, picking it up at midnight.
Ive got platinum of GOW 1 & 2. 3 might be a little tougher.
yes who da man!!!
Why are you guys complaining that there’s only 36 trophies? You do know that the total trophy “value” for your PSN IDs is the same overall, since with less trophies more of them will be silvers/golds and thus worth more. Hidden ones are probably some story trophies and some challenges/upgrade related stuff, so a few silvers and golds in there.
only 36 trophies? ok it´s good
cuz its fun to get em. would u be ok with like 10 story related trophies? its fun to complete extra little challenges throughout the game. i always thought that was the best part about them, not what theyre worth.
guys i downloaded the demo is amazingly nice im getting that 100% and the plat i think it is gonna be hard
were could i find the hidden trophies
‘Unhuman’… Shouldn’t that be ‘inhuman’? 😯
this game is going to be awesome!!
what is god of war?
looking at gow 1 and 2 titans mode going to be a bitch
hope I can manage without breakiing a controller ❗
cuz its fun to get em. would u be ok with 12 trophies like terminater? its fun to complete extra little challenges throughout the game, thats what i always thought the best part was. doesnt matter that they end up being worth the same in total.
Definite GotY..CoD7 cant touch this. Plus, might be easy platinum depending on Titan Mode..
Wonder what the platinum-trophy is? 😀
i might try the demo to see if GOW3 is all that good…
If your complaining about it only having 36 trophies just remember one thing.
IT IS GOD OF FREAKING WAR 3!!!!!!!! It is going to be the best game to come out since MGS4!
its good trophies l got platinyum gow.1 and gow.2 l will get gow3 to 😀
i don’t like it in my opinion is shit but that’s my opinion and few of my friends don’t like is well but most do
It’s not going to be the best game since MGS4 which sucked there’s plenty of games that are way better than this like Just Cause 2 will be way better.
just thought i show that this is going to be easier plat than most expected due to confusion over names of new difficulty modes
You have four difficulty modes; Spartan (Easy), God (Normal), Titan (Hard), and Chaos (Very Hard). You need to unlock Chaos by beating the game.
hope that makes things clearer 😉
game of the year
This going to be a good game got my pre-order x )
Are you freaking kidding me? The first Just Cause was HORRIBLE, and even if Just Cause 2 does a better job, it’ll NEVER be better than GOW3.
My opinion.
i love this me sooooo much
ican’t wait to buy this new chapter 😀
liked the demo but i can tell its not my type of game so i’ll pass on this
dnt pass on dis bro will b gr8!
Tried the demo, one of the best demos ever. I will definitely get this. I think its best if I get God of War Collection first, and finish and platinum the first 2. Dont remember much of the story anymore anyways. then I will get this one. I hope Titan mode isnt too hard.
dud i am so pumped about this game. KRATOS IS THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best series ever.
I want to get the trophies for GoW 1-2, but im on vacation and get home the 17th march. So i will buy the Ultimate Trilogy Edetion and get the Thropies for GoW3 instead. Plus i bought 9 games which im taking with me home from vacation. So i got Alot to do when i get home. So GoW 1-2 sorry, but you’ll have to wait.
who cares about 36 trophys! The game looks epic!
jus a couple more days, this is gonna be so good.
Cant wait for this game wonder what the hidden trophies will be as well the name for the platinum trophy.When does it out by the way?
here is a video with some most of the trophies but you can’t see what you have to do cause they arent clear.
I seen the ending of this on youtube so i spoiled my self…idk i was curious. Just letting you guys know to stick around after the credits for a very short scene that is very satisfying. Oh and im still getting the game, its just that epic.