Heavy Rain Trophies
Total Trophies: 57Heavy Rain is a cinematic and evolving thriller from Quantic Dream, the developer behind the critically acclaimed Fahrenheit. Dealing with a range of adult themes, the game revolves around a sophisticated plot and strong narrative threads that explore a complex moral proposition. You assume the role of multiple characters, with very different backgrounds, motivations and skills, in a world shaped by Bending Storylines – a dynamic narrative design where your actions and decisions will shape your story.
Unlock all trophies
Happy Birthday (Secret)
Prologue – Complete the drawing + Set the table + Play with kids
Interactive Drama
Thank you for supporting Interactive Drama
Good Father (Secret)
Father and Son – Follow the schedule with Shaun and put him to bed in a good mood
White Knight (Secret)
Sleazy Place – Beat Troy
Private Eye (Secret)
Sleazy Place – Lead Lauren to talk about her son
FBI Investigator (Secret)
Crime Scene – Find all clues related to the Origami Killer in the scene
Good Friends (Secret)
The Park – Play two games with Shaun successfully and buy him candy
Got To Remember! (Secret)
Welcome, Norman! – Remember the time it was at the park and what Shaun was wearing
Negotiator (Secret)
Hassan’s Shop – Persuade the Robber to leave
VIP (Secret)
Paparazzi – Leave home without being spotted by the journalists
Agoraphobia (Secret)
Lexington Station – Knock down at least 50 passers-by
Lucky Locker (Secret)
Lexington Station – Find the correct locker on first try
Blunder (Secret)
Nathaniel – Shoot Nathaniel
Self Control (Secret)
Nathaniel – Do not shoot Nathaniel
Baby Master (Secret)
Suicide Baby – Make no mistakes taking care of the baby
Kamikaze (Secret)
The Bear – Take the best route on the highway
Good Driver (Secret)
The Bear – Complete the Bear Trial successfully
Cat & Mouse (Secret)
Covered Market – Beat Korda in the cold storage
Tough Guy (Secret)
Kramer’s Party – Defeat Gordi’s bodyguards
Coward! (Secret)
The Butterfly – Give up or fail the Butterfly Trial
Electrified (Secret)
The Butterfly – Complete the Butterfly Trial successfully
Good Cop (Secret)
Shrink and Punches – Stop Blake from hitting Dupre
Bad Cop (Secret)
Shrink and Punches – Do not stop Blake from hitting Dupre
Gold Finger (Secret)
The Lizard – Cut your finger using axe, knife or pliers + disinfect or cauterize the wound
Butcher (Secret)
The Lizard – Cut your finger using saw or scissors
Fugitive (Secret)
Fugitive – Manage to escape Blake in the subway station
Hands Up! (Secret)
Fugitive or On the Loose – Get arrested by Blake
Ludwig Von (Secret)
Jayden Blues – Play the piano without a wrong note
Detox (Secret)
Jayden Blues – Resist Triptocaine
Wise Guy (Secret)
Under Arrest – Switch the camera off in the surveillance room before saving Ethan
I’m a Killer… (Secret)
The Shark – Kill the Drug Dealer
I’m Not a Killer! (Secret)
The Shark – Do not kill the Drug Dealer
Smart Girl (Secret)
The Doc – Do not drink the Doc’s beverage
Queen of Ropes (Secret)
The Doc – Escape before the Doc returns
Goodbye Mad Jack (Secret)
Mad Jack – Survive the fights against Mad Jack
The Chef (Secret)
Eureka – Prepare a good omelet on time
I’m not Scared! (Secret)
Twins – Follow your brother without making any mistakes
Pride Saved (Secret)
Sexy Girl – Take off no more than one item of clothing during the strip-tease
Unforgivable (Secret)
On the Loose – Do not forgive Madison
Lover Boy (Secret)
On the Loose – Forgive Madison
Escape Master (Secret)
On the Loose – Escape the police at the motel
Swimming Instructor (Secret)
Trapped – Save Lauren underwater
Invincible Scott (Secret)
Face to Face – Do not get shot in Kramer’s villa
Kind Hearted (Secret)
Face to Face – Give Kramer his medicine
Sacrifice (Secret)
The Rat – Drink the poison
Clever Dad (Secret)
The Rat – Work out where Shaun is held
Cold as Ice (Secret)
Killer’s Place – Survive the explosion by hiding in the fridge
Simple Mind (Secret)
The Old Warehouse – Save the Origami Killer before he falls, with Jayden or Madison
So Close… (Secret)
The Old Warehouse – Reach the end with all characters… and fail
Four Heroes
Complete the story with four characters alive
Trial Master (Secret)
Succeeded in all Ethan’s trials
Nerd (Secret)
Find all clues using ARI (Crime scene + Mad Jack + Fish tank) and find the Origami Killer
Saved the Kid (Secret)
Save Shaun
Perfect Crime (Secret)
Clean Manfred’s shop of evidence + Let Lauren, Hassan and Kramer die + Kill Madison and Jayden
All Endings
See all endings
I’m not playing the demo.
Full stop.
This game looks so awesome, I really can’t wait to play the full game.
I see what ya mean, but demos aren’t allowed to have trophies and most psn games aren’t allowed to have a platinum trophy.. why???
It’s what differentiates a full price retail purchase compared to a cheaper PSN purchase in the Trophy standings… It’s about money and psychology if you really get down to it… You get a bigger reward for spending more money…
The 360 gives you a gamerscore, and although point’s def ain’t as cool as trophies to look at, it does give you a clearer picture to what your score is, or exactly how many point’s to the next level…
When does the demo come out?
I read that all the hidden trophies are story related and the reason there hidden is because they would ruin the storyline if you knew what they were.
and i thought you said this game was gonna suck, why bother playing the demo?
anyways preordered thia yesterday got the hmv special edition (its the same price as the normal edition which i found almost to good to be true!) this game just keeps looking better and better, im in the 4 day challenge thing and so far have found both challenges relate to a twitter page, but i have no idea on where to go from there other than follow them, been studying the clues pack from the interview but not sure on what to make of the items yet, anyone got any ideas/theories they wanna put across?
This comment is not about the game, sorry for that. Someone has hacked in to my account and spent £400. i have got the money back but now do not have my account, DO NOT GAME SHARE IT IS NOT WORTH IT !!!!
It is gonna suck I just want to play the demo.
Is that how they got into youre account you gameshared with them.
Yeah, do not give your account to any1 m8
So you don’t have a account anymore.
ring sony and cancel all users on your account
Who was the person so I know knot to gameshare with him I usually just gameshare with family members.
Im not sure m8, i think it is – nerd_daddy
Ha HA that makes me smile
i think it’s will be hard 😐
demo is out on 11 feb
The demo is showing how to play and showing u what the developers can do but its not apart of the storie so it dosent spoil the game.
The Demo is slick…
tommyflop *
Shut the f*** up, y is loosing £400 funny to u. Get a life u prick
So do you have youre account still.
its not funny. ITS P155 FUNNY! I have a life thanx. Its full of other things than gaming and trophies. While i enjoy gaming i’m not so obsessed with trophies that i need to share accounts with people to feed my hunger. U learned the hard way that cheats never prosper. Ha ha
oh and its losing not loosing you loser. Lern two spel. Hmmm what psn game should i buy next?
LOL why? Why bother with something that you ‘know’ is gonna suck? Theres plenty of copies of Cloudy With A… out there!!
Anyway, I gave in & played the demo, WOW, i’ve been following this game since E3 ’06 & have been suitably hyped for it since then & now after playing the demo I’m seriously contemplating taking a few days off work for it 😉
I don’t often play my ps3. I have a better life than you. You told me to learn to spel* it spell u spastic. Oh by the way i bet u r like a 40 year old m8 commenting on this site, u seriously have NO life
lol he was joking around obviously dude, calm
are you british?
lol, my point exactly. Who say’s yawn. You are a sad old man
anyone got a clue on the secret trophies??
the lern two two spel was spelled wrong to make fun of you. and ps … there’s no apostrophe in says so Tommyflop 2 you 0
ah, someone with a brain! Thank you, and thank you again. Hey that rhymes, cool. Anyway back on topic, can’t wait for this to come out, it’s an adult game for adults. Some on here aren’t old enough to get it.
Your both just sad men who have no life so all they do is sit at home playing there ps3, what a life. Get some mates and GO OUT!!!
I am English by the way
can’t wait for this it is gonne be awesome
shadiest187 are u irish??
played the demo the other day it was awesome! Didn’t think i’d enjoy it that much but i did. Come on steven sort it out son you’re giving brits a bad name you tool.. you’re an idiot for gamesharing with a stranger never mind your insults
No, Welsh
i played the demo yesterday ready to be disappointed but to my surprise it was very good the fight scene was one of the best i have had in any game and the detective part was quite interesting too but i am still not sure if this is going to a rental or buy
lol cuz there is same nick shadiest187 on ps3trophycard.com and it say it’s irish
Yeah thats me, I’m Welsh but live in ireland, hence why i have the Irish flag on that site
so u live in ireland can i add u
I think all are story related
i have the spoiler trophies
i think your the one whom needs to get out, or at least stop trolling, no need to say anything more (waits for abusive reply)
anyways definetely not clicking on that link posted dont want anything spoiled for this game
your a jackass you know that obsessed with games or not losing your account and 400 is not funny. and just so you know spelling is a hint at genius and the fact that you pointed out tells me your stupid and just want to conceal it. GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t care what you think, you are obviously the saddest one of them all. Your name is kingofgames, thats all you need to know.
morning steven! No school today? Oh yeah its half term.
Hmm, i thought this topic was about the Heavy Rain trophies?
guess i was wrong:P.
Better go to another trophy site were they are more mature.
Grow up!!
Know1 finds u funny. You always post stupid comments that know1 wants to hear.