Killzone 2 Trophies
Total Trophies: 76Two years after the Helghast assault on Vekta, the ISA is bringing the fight to the enemy’s home world of Helghan. Taking the role of Sev, the battle-hardened veteran of the special forces unit known as the Legion, players will embark upon a mission to the planet Helghan to capture the Helghast leader, Emperor Visari, and bring the enemy’s war machine to a halt.
Corinth Ribbon
Complete Corinth River on any difficulty level
Blood Ribbon
Complete Blood Meridian on any difficulty level
Visari Ribbon
Complete Visari Square on any difficulty level
Salamun Ribbon
Complete Salamun District on any difficulty level
Bridge Ribbon
Complete Salamun Bridge on any difficulty level
Suljeva Ribbon
Complete Suljeva Village on any difficulty level
Tharsis Ribbon
Complete Tharsis Refinery on any difficulty level
Cruiser Ribbon
Complete The Cruiser on any difficulty level
Pallbearer – Kill 500 Helghast
Kill 500 Helghast Soldiers
Undertaker – Kill 1000 Helghast
Kill 1000 Helghast soldiers
Reaper – Kill 1500 Helghast
Kill 1500 Helghast soldiers
Field Agent – Collect all intel
Collect all intel within the game
Iconoclast – Destroy all symbols
Destroy all Helghast symbols within the game
Babysitter – Revive 25 Buddies
Revive your buddies a total of 25 times
Safari Hunter – Kill each enemy infantry type with a melee attack
Kill one of each enemy infantry type with a melee attack
Killing Spree – Kill 5 Helghast in 15 seconds
Kill 5 Helghast in 15 seconds whilst on foot and maintaining at least 85% health
Bullet Counter – Manually reload 150 times
Manually reload your weapon 150 times
Safety First – Shoot off 100 helmets
Shoot off 100 Helghast helmets during battle
Berserker – Kill 25 Helghast with melee attacks
Kill 25 Helghast using melee attacks
Barrel of Death – Kill 3 Helghast using your environment
Kill 3 Helghast at once using the surrounding environment
Professional – 3 revolver headshots in a row
Get 3 headshots in a row using the same clip of M4 Revolver ammunition
Fragmerchant – Kill 5 Helghast using a single grenade
Kill 5 Helghast at once using a single frag grenade
Fragmartyr – Kill 2 Helghast whilst taking your own life
Kill 2 Helghast at once and take your own life using a single frag grenade
Melonpopper – 15 headshots using the sniper rifle
Get 15 headshots using the VC32 Sniper Rifle
Blade Runner – 75 kills with the knife
Kill 75 Helghast using the knife
Run and Gunner – Kill 3 Helghast with one burst of assault rifle fire
Kill 3 Helghast using an M82 or StA52 assault rifle without releasing the trigger
Defensive Fighter – Kill 30 Helghast with an emplaced weapon
Kill 30 Helghast using the StA3 fixed gun emplacement
Valor Medal
Achieve weekly online honor rank #2
Valor Citation
Achieve weekly online honor rank #1
Cross-Training Ribbon
Acquire all badge specific medals
Veteran Ribbon
Acquire all mission specific medals
Expert Ribbon
Acquire all combat specific medals
Wargod Ribbon
Acquire all remaining medals
Blitzkrieg Ribbon
Win 50 online matches
Elementalslayer – Kill the ArcTrooper within 1 minute 30 seconds
Kill the Tharsis Refinery ArcTrooper in under 1 minute 30 seconds
Giantslayer – Kill the Heavy within 1 minute
Kill the Blood Meridian heavy in under 1 minute
Dragonslayer – Destroy the ATAC within 1 minute 30 seconds
Destroy the Salamun Bridge ATAC in under 1 minute 30 seconds
Demonslayer – Kill Radec within 20 minutes
Kill Radec at Visari Palace within 20 minutes
Stick Around – Nail 20 Helghast to the wall
Nail 20 Helghast to a wall using the Boltgun VC-21
Master Conductor – Electrocute 3 Helghast
Electrocute 3 Helghast with a single burst from the VC5 Electricity Gun
Can Opener – Destroy a Helghast APC
Destroy any Helghast APC during battle
Spare Parts – Destroy all Leech Pods
Destroy all Leech Pods in The Cruiser
Treadhead – Kill 30 Helghast whilst in the tank
Take 30 Helghast lives whilst using the ISA tank
Mechspert – Stomp 10 Helghast
Stomp 10 Helghast with your Exoskeleton in Maelstra Barrens
Maelstra Ribbon
Complete Maelstra Barrens on any difficulty level
Complete all missions on any difficulty level
Complete all missions on any difficulty level without dying
Valor Cross
Achieve weekly online honor rank #3
Heroic Survivor
Complete all missions on Elite difficulty level
Career Ribbon
Achieve an online rank of General
Valor Grand Cross
Achieve weekly online honor rank #4
War Hero
Collect all Killzone®2 trophies
Steel & Titanium DLC Trophies:
Wasteland Medic
Revive 5 allies in Wasteland Bullet during one round.
Wasteland Engineer
Repair 5 objects in Wasteland Bullet during one round.
Wasteland Tactician
5 allies spawn on your spawn grenade in Wasteland Bullet during one round.
Wasteland Saboteur
Kill 5 enemies while disguised in Wasteland Bullet during one round.
Wasteland Scout
Kill 5 enemies while cloaked in Wasteland Bullet during one round.
Wasteland Assault
Boost 5 times in Wasteland Bullet during one round.
Cruiser Medic
Revive 5 allies in Vekta Cruiser during one round.
Cruiser Engineer
Repair 5 objects in Vekta Cruiser during one round.
Cruiser Tactician
5 allies spawn on your spawn grenade in Vekta Cruiser during one round.
Cruiser Saboteur
Kill 5 enemies while disguised in Vekta Cruiser during one round.
Cruiser Scout
Kill 5 enemies while cloaked in Vekta Cruiser during one round.
Cruiser Assault
Boost 5 times in Vekta Cruiser during one round.
Flash & Thunder DLC Trophies:
Beach Head Medic
Revive 5 allies in Beach Head during one round.
Beach Head Engineer
Repair 5 objects in Beach Head during one round.
Beach Head Tactician
5 allies spawn on your spawn grenade in Beach Head during one round.
Beach Head Saboteur
Kill 5 enemies while disguised in Beach Head during one round.
Beach Head Scout
Kill 5 enemies while cloaked in Beach Head during one round.
Beach Head Assault
Boost 5 times in Beach Head during one round.
Southern Hills Medic
Revive 5 allies in Southern Hills during one round.
Southern Hills Engineer
Repair 5 objects in Southern Hills during one round.
Southern Hills Tactician
5 allies spawn on your spawn grenade in Southern Hills during one round.
Southern Hills Saboteur
Kill 5 enemies while disguised in Southern Hills during one round.
Southern Hills Scout
Kill 5 enemies while cloaked in Southern Hills during one round.
Southern Hills Assault
Boost 5 times in Southern Hills during one round.
Napalm and Petrusite DLC Trophies:
Flamethrower Monkey
Kill 10 enemies in one round using the Flamethrower in Suljeva Cliffside
Flamethrower Junkie
Kill 20 enemies in one round using the Flamethrower in Suljeva Cliffside
Suljeva Conqueror
Win a round with a minimum of 5 mission wins in Suljeva Cliffside
Suljeva Killer
Kill 50 enemies in one round in Suljeva Cliffside
Boltgun Monkey
Kill 10 enemies in one round using the Boltgun in Arctower Landing
Boltgun Junkie
Kill 20 enemies in one round using the Boltgun in Arctower Landing
Arctower Conqueror
Win a round with a minimum of 5 mission wins in Arctower Landing
Arctower Killer
Kill 50 enemies in one round in Arctower Landing
I use my knife & ran around stabbing them. I use the corner a lot & waited for them to jump down. When I got over-run I went to the back & use the pillar for cover. Once you hear the ceiling lights coming down you pass the first checkpoint. Theres 2 more after that not including the actual fight against Radec.
thanks for the info i will try it out i hope so i can defeat him then i got the platium trophie!
😎 Dude in my opinion getting platium waz a peice of cake it waz my first platium trophie now i have 4 😎
Once you get to the part were you have to face the guys with the rocket launchers go upstairs & use the books as a shield.Pop in and out to shoot them one by one.
anyone up for boosting?
I just need Valor Grand Cross.
play i lot thats the trick for valor grand cross i played 53 hour i a week and i got 22 on the list!!
this game is v.good, but the ranking stops too easily, any why wernt knives in the multiplayer!! overall it was v.good. the invisible snipers were good but it can get boring after a while. i got the get withing the 3%, i recon another hour of play would have got me that gold trophy, i wont try it again though.
online is good but can get boring once reached the top rank, single player is very good and i love the covering. a must buy i say.
8.5/10-buy it. like cod but more fun and less tactical.
New trophies?
alright so when does the online xp start for the week? i like wanna start playing it that day and just play bout 30 hours that week to get valor grand cross. anybody knoww?? 😐
leaderboards are reseted on mondays i believe….(might be tuesdays but im sure its monday)
Anyway the new dlc napalm and petrusite, sounds more exciting than the last few! sounds like their adding flamethrower online! gonna have to get this dlc for sure
yeah!..more trophies and not all of them are bronze again..
Any word on when new dlc comes out. is going to be a patch or dlc? and if its dlc any word on price?
same price as the others. no idea about release date.
Release date is July 16th guys.
Wow thats tomorrow. I gotta hand it to Guerilla games. They are keeping the Kz2 fans updated with new materiel on the regular.
i havent bought any of the map packs, are they worth it?
What rank do you have to be so you can get the Valor Grand Cross? I know that you have to be the top 1%, but the actual rank #. Also I don’t mean your actual Rank example:( Commander in chief). I mean your Rank for the week?
KILLZONE 3 ???? WTF already ?? :S
whaat is this?
Got 100% on killzone and my platinum at last Valor Grand Cross and Heroic Survivor
were very hard to get
I got Valor Grand Cross yesterday. So I got platinum. My 2nd one. I haven’t bought the last DLC so I don’t have 100%, but I will very soon.
im dumb i started this game on the hardest difficulty and only got like 3 trophies.. i think ima rent it and go on like easy haha
HOLY CRAP already wowww thats crazy lol
yea got it too. last week. that red rank looks sexy. LOL Awesome game. I am currently standig at a 70%. just need some singleplayer trophies, the medals, and the DLC trophies that require you to repair objects, other then that, I have every DLC, Multiplayer and singleplayer trophies. for the people going for the valor cross grand. you need to be in the top 1%. so what I would do is, try to get 1500 a day or if u cant, try to get atleast 1000 a day. I got it last week and 139 000 people played it last week, so I was 979 out of all those people and I only had 8640 xp. not too hard.
King of FPS!
i only need the trophie for compleet singel player on elite but i can’t defeat radic can anybody give me advise? i want the platinum trophie!
the best way to kill radec on elite is to use the flamethrower on him then just dumb some clips into him. he pretty much just runs around screaming his flesh is on fire
Not sure if i posted this already.. but i Platinumed it! Oh yeh! Feels so good… because it is so god damn annoyingly (is that a word?) hard!
possibly the best ps3 game ever created
I want my Aztec23 name back is there anyway I could retrieve it admen? I’m the same person.
kool, thats alot of trophies.
cant wait to get it
i keep coming in 5 or 10 places short of the 1 percent. anyone know a solution? and im stuck on the balcony above radic just b4 the rocket launchers come and cant beat them…im so angry
trophy error code 2147416817 need to know how to re-boot
bet radic. now 4 online…anyone want to speed it up a bit?
was halfway through on elite and with 1 briefcase and 1 symbol left to find and got the YLOD AGAIN! not sure if i wont to attempt this again cause elite is so hard but this plat would diff be worth it
berforment if u wanna boost badges add me. psn is gouken_14