LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Trophies
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars includes all the characters from both seasons of the hugely popular animated television series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, as well as some fan-favourite characters from the beloved theatrical Star Wars Saga. The game features brand new battle modes, giving players unique, head-to-head combat and an upgraded level builder, allowing the creation of customized bases and in-game battlefields.
This is just the beginning!
Complete Genosian Arena.
The pleasure is all mine my dear
Complete The Hidden Enemy.
Okay clankers, suck lasers!
Complete Ambush.
Me’sa rescued you
Complete Gungan General.
Are all Jedi so reckless?
Complete Jedi Crash.
There goes my promotion
Complete Defenders of Peace.
Oops. What happened?
Complete Blue Shadow Virus.
Follow me, boys!
Complete Duel of the Droids.
Torpedoes away!
Complete Shadow of Malevolence.
Abandon ship!
Complete Destroy Malevolence.
R6 take me home
Complete Lair of Grievous.
Not so tough now are ya Sparky?
Complete Rookies.
We live to fight another day
Complete Grievous Intrigue.
That’s no moon
Complete Battle of Genosis.
You can have my ship!
Complete Storm Over Ryloth.
Time to take the capital
Complete Innocents of Ryloth.
Complete Liberty on Ryloth.
Tank ‘n’ Spank
Complete Weapons Factory.
Another bug hunt
Complete Legacy of Terror.
What a Rotta!
Complete Castle of Doom.
Sure, as long as I get paid
Complete Hostage Crisis.
Zillo Tolerance
Complete Zillo Beast.
Viceroy of the fleet
Convert every system to CIS. (Single Player Only)
Admiral of the fleet
Convert every system to the Republic. (Single Player Only)
The dark side I sense in you
Free all villains from the Resolute brig. (Single Player Only)
Saberang Master
Use Yoda to defeat 5 enemies with one lightsaber throw.
A presence I’ve not felt since
Collect all minikits. (Single Player Only)
Isn’t negotiation the Jedi way?
Complete all Bounty missions. (Single Player Only)
Jango’s army!
Unlock/purchase all ‘Clone’ characters. (Single Player Only)
Clanker collector
Unlock/purchase all ‘Droid’ characters. (Single Player Only)
Jedi Master
True Jedi every level. (Single Player Only)
Collect all Red Power Bricks. (Single Player Only)
Impressive, most impressive
Complete the game to 100% (Single Player Only)
Stealth wealth
Collect all Gold bricks. (Single Player Only)
The Chosen One
Collect all Trophies.
Hidden Trophies:
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Cooool…! Pretty Easy
play the demo looks good better tan the other LEGO star wars
Ser bra ut 😎