LittleBigPlanet Trophies
Total Trophies: 70LittleBigPlanet is a community based game that gives players the ability to play, create and share what they build with other gamers on the PlayStation Network.
The Gardens
Complete all levels in The Gardens
The Savannah
Complete all levels in The Savannah
The Wedding
Complete all levels in The Wedding
The Canyon
Complete all levels in The Canyon
The Metropolis
Complete all levels in The Metropolis
The Islands
Complete all levels in The Islands
The Temples
Complete all levels in The Temples
Expert Creator
Complete all levels in the tutorials
Place a sticker
Place 10 stickers or decorations in your pod
Fashion Sense
Choose a costume for your sackperson with at least one item on your head, at least one item on your body, and a material
Collect 25% of the prize bubbles on the story levels
Sticky Fingers
Collect 50% of the prize bubbles on the story levels
Treasure Hunter
Collect 75% of the prize bubbles on the story levels
2X Multiplier!
Get a 2X Multiplier
8X Multiplier!
Get a 8X Multiplier
Incredible Speed!
Travel at incredible speed
Incredible Height!
Travel to an incredible height
Complete a level with more than one player
Party Person
Complete a level online with 3 other players who are on your friends list
Complete a level online with 3 other players who are not on your friends list
Top of the Class
Win a 4-player game
Complete a community level
Be among the first 10 people to complete a community level
Tag a community level
Watch Heart 5 community levels
Heart 3 authors
Post a comment on a community level
Build and save a level with the thermometer more than 30% full
Team Creator
Build and save a level with more than one player with the thermometer more than 30% full
Publish a level
Look What I Made!
A level you published was played by 5 or more people
Trendsetter (Hidden)
Place a sticker or a decoration on another player’s sackperson
Cranium Collector (Hidden)
Kill 100 Creatures across all levels
Secret Stickerist (Hidden)
Unlock the race in First Steps
Sackbird (Hidden)
Spend 8 seconds or more in the air
Just Beginning
Complete all the main path story levels
20X Multiplier!
Get a 20X Multiplier
Hi Score
Collect 1,000,000 points over all levels you have played
Booty Master
Collect all the prize bubbles on the story levels
Dr Frankenstein
Create a living creature with at least 2 eyes, 2 legs or wheels, and a brain
Crowd Pleaser
A level you published was played by 50 or more people
Feel the Love
A level you published was hearted by 10 or more people
You were hearted by 5 or more people as a player
Complete all story levels without dying, with the exception of those levels that only end when you die
A level you published was hearted by 50 or more people and you were hearted by 30 or more people
Play 150 community levels, tag 50 community levels and heart 10 community levels
100% Complete
Earn all LittleBigPlanet trophies to unlock this platinum trophy
MGS4 DLC Trophies:
QuickFire Artiste
Fire 40 paintballs in under 5 seconds
Destroy the Metal Gear REX boss
Ace Act 3 and Act 4
Ace Act 3: The Mission and Act 4: The Level Factory
Ace Act 5: The Boss
Ace Act 5: The Boss
Paint Splurge
Fire 5,000 paintballs
Virtual Survivor
Achieve a score of 3,750 in the VR Survival Challenge
Diamond Hunter
Destroy the 5 hidden target diamonds in Act 4: The Level Factory
Speedy Rexecutioner
Destroy the Metal Gear REX boss in under 2 mins 30 seconds
Thrifty Painter
Complete Act 3: The Mission firing less than 125 paintballs
Collect all of the METAL GEAR SOLIDยฎ prize bubbles
Paint Sharer
Publish a level containing the METAL GEAR SOLIDยฎ Paintinator Powerup
DLC #2 Trophies:
The Bends
Achieve a score of 7000 in the Diving for Treasure Survival Challenge
Collect all of the PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN prize bubbles
Beast Slayer
Destroy the KRAKEN boss
Ace Port Royal
Ace Port Royal
Ace Pirate Town
Ace Pirate Town
Ace The Frigate
Ace The Frigate
Ace Cursed Bay
Ace Cursed Bay
Ace The Kraken!!!
Ace The Kraken!!!
Publish a level containing WATER
Salty Dog
Complete 20 community levels that contain WATER.
HMS Interceptor
Complete the race in Cursed Bay with at least 4000 points left on the clock
anyone in the uk managed to download the pirates level pack yet?
the playstation did the 2 new updates this morning when loaded up, but cant find the levels to buy yet ๐
need sum hearts .. x) psn: audaxx
send me a message and i’ll heart you back within 24 hrs ๐
I am newmysteries09.Why did ou block me on the psn?
ello December 22nd, 2009 at 00:20 | #46 Reply | Quote i got pirates of the carribean pack just playing it now
did you buy it from the EU store or the US store
Hunstecrop can you heart me and my levels with those 20 accounts. Please. ๐
water is and always will be the most frustrating element in gaming. add in the loose platforming and controls and it only gets worse. we overlooked the flaws in this game because its so awesome, but going back and playing it after a few months is revealing.
need my level to be hearted pls user name is sazikins
nead some hearts heart me and i heart you back id Greatgolam ๐
also who the fu ๐ฟ ck will have a platinum for this
need a few more hearts & plays on my lvls, id gingerninja1140. I shall return any & all favours. ๐
I need some heart !!! iTzKrispY- thats my PSN, do it and I will do it for you too
need some hearts for my level..will heart you baq
send me a friend request on the game and ill heart all lvls if u help me get a trophie for making a lvl wit 3 or more people klkl
Add:warfare1112 =)
Add warfare1112 for help
Hi heart me and my lvl. H4H psn: RemoS80. (PL – prosze o serduszka z gรณry dziekuje jak potrzeba to tez heartne)
Do i need every DLC stuff to get the Platinum trophy?
i need 10 hearts on 1 of my lvls plz. also heart me as well and i will heart you. TECHPURSUIT (PS3 online name) TY ALL THAT HEART ME!!!
i need some plays on my level to get the 50 plays trophy,
LVL: Metal Gear Solid + Water
leave a comment once u have played then ill heart u whatever u need in return
i need people to <3 plz:)
its scorpio1070
Hey need help with the trophy for playing with three other Friends. Please add
Is this game any good and to get the trophies do you have to update the game online.
Ok need party person trophy and want to heart 4 heart if you wanna do either message me: Psn: soccerplyer6
Hey soccerplyer6 I’ll help you out with that. I need it as well. Maybe We can get a couple more people
Oh and I also need people to heart me as an author. My psn is Drewcifur
i got the platinum just need the downloadable pack trophies to get 100% i will be able to help you if you want it
Still needing party person send add with lbp message if interested
H4H my psn is silverkiller24 heart me and all my levels
can someone please gameshare this??i have nothing in return
heart my lvl sea adventure and play my lvl my first good lvl please guy’s
I need the party person trophy
send me a friend request with ‘trophy’ in the description
I’m willing to heart you and your levels to return the favour
If you want to play a tough but fun level try my Pyramid Peril level. I have two versions (Hard and Easy). If you can complete the hard version I will heart and play whatever the hell you want me to. ๐
Please heart me and my levels as well if you like them. ๐
i need about 12 hearts on my level and 9 heart as a creator so if u like blowing up things play my level . my level name is blow up barney h4h
psn id gfryy
do need all the dlc trophies on pirates of carribeen to get the plat
so u got all the trophies except the downloadable ones and u got platinum
No only the main trophies to get platinium.
U don’t need dlc trophies
yes only the main trophies to get platinium.
U don’t need dlc trophies
Add me for H4Hs i play everyday
PSN ID: Leiran3
Willing to trade hearts.
Just add me to your buddy list, and mention you’re interested in exchanging hearts.
PSN = BumperSticker
how to get inteceptor trophy in lbp pirates of caribien. I have 4000points but I didnt get the trophy . please help
Do you get the DLC trophies for free I couldnt find where to buy them at.
PSN = BumperSticker
If anyone want to trade hearts, just heart me as an author, send me a message, and I’ll heart you back.
17 hearts needed on my level, PSN big_steve-o i will h4h
psn = Couroux
doing h4h…just comment on level
i made a level that plays itself and its cool โ
please heart BERFORMET and DOTTYHEAD and our levels. we’ll heart u back. thnx guys
Trading hearts.
Send me a message saying that you’re interested and I’ll heart you and your levels ASAP.
Please heart me as an author and play my most visited level (it’s an auto-finish level).
PSN = BumperSticker
add me psn:jakemydog
Having trouble getting Crowed Pleaser.
It’s the only trophy I need for the platinum, please, I only need 16 more visits.
PSN = BumperSticker
Just play my level, and I’ll play your level + heart you and your level.
hey guys i just bought LBP. If any1 can help with trophies ill heart & play ur lvls & ect. PSN- XxGoDrinkAcidxX ๐
the lbp pack 4 apirl’s fool is small but funny ๐ฎ