Medal of Honor Frontline HD Trophies
Total Trophies: 46The Nazi invasion is in full swing, and you’re the Lieutenant who’s going to put a stop to it. Step into the shoes of Lt. Jimmy Patterson once again, sweeping across Europe to rescue the innocent and destroy the opposition. The 15 assignments range from saving captured OSS operatives from a Nazi-held Dutch manor house to dismantling a German naval base.
A Day At The Beach
Complete the Level Your Finest Hour
Making It Rain
Complete the Level Into the Beach
Boom Goes the Dynamite
Complete the Level Special Cargo
I Blowed Up U-Boat
Complete the Mission A Storm in the port
Listen All Y’all It’s A Sabotage
Complete the Level The Golden Lion
Next Time Buy A Safe
Complete the Mission Needle in a Haystack
They Should Write a Book..Or Make a Movie
Complete the Level Nijmegen Bridge
Tickets Please
Complete the Level Riding Out the storm
Hero at Normandy
Earn the Army Distinguished Service Medal
Darth Nader
Kill 3 Enemies With 1 Grenade
Hokey Pokey
Get 20 shots in each shot location (Head, Torso, Groin, each leg, and each arm)
I said dance
Make 20 enemies hop around by shooting them in the foot
Get 50 headshots
Get 50 shots in the groin
Hit Em In The Face
Get 20 Melee Kills
Trigger Happy
Fire 5000 shots
Use 25 Medicinal Canteens
Is It Monet or Manet?
Look behind 15 pictures in Operation Repunzel
What time is it!?!
Destroy 15 clocks in Operation Repunzel
Kicking It Really Old School
Play Any Level using the Classic MOH Control Scheme
Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart
Get 50 kills with shotgun
You Can’t Go Wrong With the Classics
Get 50 kills with the M1 Garand
Pistol Pete
Get 50 kills with the Colt.45 or the Walther P38
Burp Gun
Get 50 kills with the MP 40
Long shot
Get 50 kills with the springfield 03
Sturmgewehr and Drang
Get 50 kills with the STG
Have You met my friend, Tommy Gun?
Get 50 kills with Thompson SMG
Get 25 kills with the Welby and scott Silenced Pistol
BAR None
Get 50 kills with the Browning Automatic Rifle
Mashed Potatoes and Grilled Pineapple
Get 50 kills using grenades
Panzerschrek The Third
Complete the Mission Several Bridges Too Far
Little Engine That Could Not
Complete the Mission Rolling Thunder
Grand Theft Aero
Complete the Mission The Horten’s Nest
Come Sail Away
Earn the Army Commendation Medal
Found The Needle
Earn the Soldier’s Medal
I Think It’s Dutch
Earn the Dutch WWII Commemorative Cross Medal
Striking Lightning
Earn the Legion of Merit Medal
Bug Spray
Earn the Distinguished Flying Service Cross
Full Frontal
Complete the Game On Any Difficulty
Less is More
Kill 1000 Enemies
Heavy Medals
Earn All Medals
You Still Aren’t As Tough As Audie Murphy
Complete The Game On Hard Difficulty
ET Goin’ Home
Find the UFO in “On Track”
What Do You Want, A Medal?
Earn All Available Trophies in Medal of Honor Frontline
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Anyone know if this is going to be a PSN download or a retail re-release
HOLY S#!+!!! 46 trophies?! That blows Call of Duty Classic out of the water! DAMN! I can’t wait for my Medal of Honor Limited Edition! The king of warfare first-person shooters is back, baby!!! 😀
this games comes with the origional game as a bonus game
now that sounds like a deal. I am in on this
Best WW2 Shooter Of All Time in HD Come On!!!
Plus Its Free With The Teir 1 Edition What More Do You Want 😉
i guess they put it in there to make up for the sucky campagin on tier 1, frontline made me feel like i went back in time to when i was like 14 i love it
I love the trophy “BAR None” haha. I believe the BAR was the best American weapon used during WWII.
If anyone wants to know what the 2 Hidden tropheys are for Frontline…
1. in the Mission where you go to the Lion Pub to speak with your infomant – You have to knock the 3 drinks of the rail to start the fight between the 2 Nazi’s
2. Eat a piece of Bread to replenish health.
Pretty easy!
Oh I forgot…
The 1st trophy is called – Drinking Problem
The 2nd is called – That Bread IS Delicious…Healthy Too
@Saiyan , hey thank you man! made mah day 🙂
straight up.. this game has tropies??
awesome as .. il clock that in a day .. word up
what a easy platinum..
i want this game hard out now!!!
hook me up G..
getting this 4 xmas free with medal of honor looking more forward to this than the other 1 becouse i loved it on ps2 and hoping it will get me my 12th platnum
“Wtf? i could have sworn i was 1st commentor Here” (2)
and btw could u please uncover the hidden once cuz its not keeping people on the site for long if people have to go to other sites for that!?
1 trophy is Eat bred to regain health and the 2nd hidden is spill 3 drinks in the Golden Lion Bar.
where the hell is the UFO in the level “on track”?…sorry, but its doing my head in