Medal of Honor Trophies
Total Trophies: 51For the first time in the franchise’s 10-year history, Medal of Honor is leaving the WWII theatre and putting players in war-torn Afghanistan. The all new Medal of Honor will introduce the Tier 1 Operator: a relatively unknown entity directly under the National Command Authority who takes on missions no one else can handle.
Multiplayer: First Rotation
Play online for 15 minutes
Multiplayer: Tour of Duty
Play online for 2 hours
Multiplayer:Heavy Fire Support
Fire 1000 bullets in a round(awarded at end of round)
Multiplayer: Boot Camp
Play once as each class(minimum 2 minutes each)
Multiplayer: Mission Training
Play Combat Mission
Multiplayer: Assault Training
Play Team Assault.
Multiplayer: Secure Training
Play Sector Control
Multiplayer: Raid Training
Play Objective Raid
Multiplayer: Enlisted
Reach Level 2 in each class
Multiplayer: Veteran
Reach level 4 in each class
Multiplayer:Triple Canopy
Reach level 8 in each class
Multiplayer: Mission Specialist
Play two hours of combat mission
Multiplayer Assault Specialist
Play two hours of team assault
Multiplayer: Secure Specialist
Play two hours of sector control
Multiplayer:Raid Specialist
Play two hours of objective raid
Multiplayer: Forward Spotter
Deploy a missile strike support action(awarded at end of round)
First Incision
Singleplayer:Complete First In
Welcome to the TOC
Singleplayer:Complete breaking Bagram
Develop the situation
Singleplayer: Complete Running with Wolves…
Unexpected Guests
Singleplayer: Complete Dorothy’s a Bitch
Full Battle Rattle
Singleplayer: Complete Belly of the beast
Bad Guy Jamboree
Singleplayer: Complete Gunfighters
Friends From Afar
Singleplayer: Complete Friends From Afar
Singleplayer: Complete Compromised
singleplayer: Complete Neptune’s net
Eight Heroes Aboard
Singleplayer: Complete Rescue the Rescuers
Smooth Operator
Singleplayer: In First In, Kill the Hostage Taker With a Head Shot
The Sledgehammer
Singleplayer: in Breaking Bagram, destroy 2 vehicles with Single 2000 lb Laser Guided Bomb
It Takes A Village…Out
Singleplayer: Destroy 30 buildings in Gunfighters Village
Feeding the Pig
Singleplayer: In Compromised, get 15 kills with M60
The Battle is Won…
Singleplayer: Finish the game on Easy, Normal or Hard
The Scalpel
Singleplayer: Achieve 20 total knife kills
Pistol Pete Showdown
Singleplayer: Get a total of 30 pistol kills
Right in the Grape…
Singleplayer: Get 7 headshots in a row with any weapon except the long range sniper rifle.
Crowd Control
Singleplayer: Kill 5 enemies at once with a single hand grenade
Rangers Lead the way
Singleplayer: Finish all of Dante’s missions
Never Quit
Singleplayer: Finish all of Rabbit’s missions
Have a Good One
Singleplayer: Finish all Deuce’s missions
Multiplayer: Fire Controller
use each offensive support action once ( awarded at end of round)
Multiplayer: Quartermaster
Get 1000 support points
Multiplayer: Tier 1
Reach top level in each class
Smooth Operator
Singleplayer: In First In, Kill the Hostage Taker With a Head Shot
Fear the Reaper
Singleplayer: In Dorothy’s a Bitch, destroy the entire AQ Camp with AC-130
Manic Suppression
Singleplayer: In Belly of the Beast,defeat the DShK in under two minutes
Like a Surgeon
Singleplayer: While long range sniping, hit one of every body part
The Quiet Professional
Singleplayer: In Neptune’s Net, eliminate 13 enemies without alerting anyone
Singleplayer: In Rescue the Rescuers, chop down 5 trees with the mini gun
…But the War Rages On.
Singleplayer: Finish the game on Hard
Multiplayer: High Achiever
Be top 3 on the scoreborard ten times
Conspicuous Gallantry
Singleplayer: Finish every level in the game on Tier 1 mode under par time
Medal Of Honor Tier1
Obtain all campaign and online trophies
Hoping this game will kick ass
will be getting it, this friday innit? looks a good mix of COD and BF to me, cant wait.
Lots of multiplayer trophies but they don’t really look too tough. Usually I ignore the MP trophies in games because I hate playing online but I may make an exception this time around because I love Medal of Honor. Between this and Frontline HD, you’re getting a possible 97 trophies on one disc with future DLC trophies likely to come. Now THAT is a deal that you’d be stupid to pass up! 😀
Can’t wait, this game is going to be awesome! 😀 add me psn ID: zytron512
getting it 2morro
Those look too easy.
Anyone else notice the smooth operator trophy is there twice? For silver and bronze. Anyway really exited, forget Black Ops, Medal of honour FTW! 😀
I Love This Game Already The Teir 1 Edition Awsum Plus Free Game, Way Better Than COD And Battlefield Man
I Love This Game Already The Teir 1 Edition Awsum Plus Free Game, Way Better Than COD And Battlefield
In Holland ir,s available allready.
And i have to say: GET THIS GAME!! it’s so good + you get Medal of Honor Frontline HD frre with it.
Love the game better than cod but… you need an online code and my account is activated by 5 other people so i cant play online. I fuking hate EA they have ruined this game for me, thanks a lot.
Brilliant game but EA suck
How is it EAs fault you’ve given your account details to five other people?
I’d say you’ve ruined it for yourself. It’s quite possible EA hate you too. I’ll be getting this game friday, anyone for online multiplayer? Lol
I’ve heard the game is only about 5-6 hours long… That sucks!!
What happened to 10-12 hour games, weep… As i’ve still to play BF:BC2 i’ll be avoiding this at launch, for the time being anyway.
If anyone wants to read a good, honest review for MoH, head over to PSX Extreme. It doesn’t spend three pages saying how Call of Duty is better and how this game sucks because it features Linkin Park music. Any critic that spends their review discussing those details is unprofessional and immature, in my opinion.
Battlefield BC2 Only takes 4 Days To Get The Plat And The Campain Only 8 Hours OMG, Trust Me I Done It, Medal Of Honor Gonna Last Alot Longer Than That Trust Me.
Get The Teir 1 Edition It Comes With Medal Of Honor Frontline In HD 😉
Bought this on launch and it is a total let down. The multiplayer sucks and the story is very glitchy. I have BFBC and BFBC 2 and both are way better for the online. MOH takes about 4.5 hours to complete and yes the trophies are super easy. It is better than COD but not nowhere near as good as the bad co. series and when battlefield 3 comes out this game will probably be forgotten about.
Got this game today and I’m having a lot of fun, gripping single-player and fantastic multiplayer a must buy in my opinion
this game sucks – im gutted, i was really looking foward to this. Another mistake by EA
is htis worth getting? bc im thinking to buy it?
This site is so funny. I love how you game “experts” read (walkthrough gamers) fight between each other over worthless comments & trophies.
this game is awesome ,, if sum1 want to play W/ me online add me ,, my psn MEX_ARCKO100
game kicks ass and the biggest mistake made ur parents having u
u can create other account and buy online code over there if u think i did that cuz my accout is activated by 5 other people is well. btw
easy trophie
ugh, so many online trophies :-/
looking for 14 more ppl to boost fire controller trophy its the last multi player trophy i need. anyone who helps out will get the help back in getting the trophy anyone who is interested add xxSuperMAN8182xx & put MOH in request
If anyone would like to boost for online trophies add me… Madman_Moyer
i want help with the online trophies, im gonna add u when the PSN works again. ok?
does the multiplayer trophies like play 2 hours online X map has to be 2 hours straight or it accumulates?