Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 Trophies
Total Trophies: 50Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 faithfully recreates the anime series and envelops players into the mythical world of ninja with expansive environments, missions, battle systems and gameplay modes. While there are two sides to every story, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 has three, that have players living different as well as daring ninja lives through the eyes of Naruto, Sasuke and Jiraya.
Prologue Complete
You’ve completed the prologue
Chapter 1 complete
You have completed Chapter 1
Chapter 2 complete
You have completed Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Complete
You have completed Chapter 3
Chapter 4 complete
You have completed Chapter 4
Chapter 5 complete
You have completed Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Complete
You have completed Chapter 6
Final chapter Complete
You have completed the final chapter
Naruto’s Friends
You can now use peers from Naruto’s generation
Naruto’s teacher
You can now use Kakashi, Yamato, Gai, and Asuma
Friends from Suna-Gakure
You can now use Gaara, Kankuro, Temari and Chiyo
The legendary San-Nin
You can now use Jiraya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru
Furtive Akatsuki
You can now use all members of the Akatsuki
Hebi is on the way
You can now use Sasuke, Suigetsu, Karin and Jugo
Assassin from Tekken 6
You can now use Lars
Steal Bell expert
You have the S-Rank in the ‘steal bell-lesson’ will
Village guards
You got the S-Rank on ‘Sand and Art Explosion’
Spared the Puppet Jutsu
You got the S-Rank on ‘Sakura’
Unstoppable rampage
You get the S ranking in ‘Forbidden Rage
Difference in growing up
You get the S ranking on ‘final battle between friends’
Return of the fourth Ho-Kage
You get the S ranking in ‘Storm and Stress’
Overflowing hatred
You get the S-Rank on ‘The two Uchiha’
Overwhelming hermit
You get the S ranking in ‘fight of the hermit of God’
Vision of a new wind
You get the S ranking on ‘tremor’
Cursed doll wipe out!
You’ve brought back all the cursed dolls
You got back all Pearl Tontons.
Test passed!
You have completed all 10 tests
Master of the Orders
You have completed all jobs
You have completed all Correspondence Events
All friends are here!
You have seen friendship events for each
Nothing escapes you
You have collected 500 items
Money makes the world
999 999 Ryo saved.
Points Tycoon
You have accumulated 999 999 Forward points
I love ninja tools!
You get all the battle-Items
Roaring business in the country store!
You have collected all the collection items
First processing
A ninja info card processed
News Ninja shocked!
You have collected all Messengers.
Review completed!
You have collected all the memories
Story Collector
100% of the stories found
Thanks for all your time!
Your entire season played over 30 hours
On the way to the Ninja!
You have won 10 times in network battles
Clever Ninja
You have won 50 times in network battles
Fragment completion
You have completed the fragment
All Ninjas assemble!
You can now use all the characters
The inconspicuous detail
You’ve seen all Secret factors
Also known as …
You got 50 tracks
All events managed
You have completed all events
Card collector
You have collected all the ninja info cards
What should I call myself?
You have received all titles.
A Perfect Storm Master
You got all the trophies
i look forwards to getting 100% on this like i did on UNS however not a fan of Money makes the world999 999 Ryo saved. & What should I call myself?You have received all titles. but ready 4 the challenge.
i think that the money makes the world is an easy trophie Qornut
These Trophies are all named wrong….
And the details are all wrong…. :-\ this is possibly the worst Trophy list I’ve seen on this site 🙁
has anyone received all the tittles
Foi uma platina facil mais demorada, principalmente o trofeu: “Thanks for all your time!”
i got everything but i only need all the tittles sucks i need to use every charters 30 times so bored
i have, and lemme say that this Guide isnt showing all the trophies… lol
just set it on “VERY EASY” mode, send Handicap to highest rank, set time to 10 seconds, this will average the time it takes to do 30 battles with each character to 15 minutes or 30 minutes (depending how quickly you KO them, i KO them in 6 seconds)
after about 5 days, i played all 41 (Lars, the 42nd, doenst have a title) and got the final trophie, thus giving me platinum 😀
man this game was AWESOME getting platinum was annoying but i did it