Operation Flashpoint: Red River Trophies
Total Trophies: 55Delivering an authentic and intensely personal US Marine Corps infantryman experience, Operation Flashpoint: Red River offers an epic campaign played out on a deadly new battlefield set in the remote yet beautiful country of Tajikistan along the Vakhsh River.
Welcome to Gissar
Complete Welcome to Tajikistan.
Projection Detail
Complete Meet the Neighbors.
Venomous Bite
Complete The Human Train.
Doing It The Hard Way
Complete Almost Too Easy.
Work Your Bolt
Complete The Wrong Way.
Devils At The Crossroad
Complete Careful What You Wish For…
The Alamo, Vahdat
Complete Line In The Sand.
Keeping It Simple
Complete 1st & 10, Let’s Do It Again.
Freeing The Eagles
Complete Vantage Point.
Shock And Ore
Complete End Of The Beginning.
Complete on of the Combat Sweep FTE maps.
Complete on of the Last Stand FTE maps.
Complete one of the Rolling Thunder CSAR FTE maps.
Complete and survive a Combat Sweep mission having killed all enemies and destroyed all cashes.
Get To The Chopper!
Complete a Last Stand mission to stage 4, wave 4 and escape alive.
Package Delivered
Complete and survive a CSAR mission, rescuing both pilots.
Thunder Run
Complete and survive a Rolling Thunder mission with the entire convoy surviving.
Operation Enduring Shield
Complete Act 1 of the campaign.
Max out one core soldier skill.
Outlaw 2’s Brave
Obtain the highest level for one character class.
With A Little Help
Play Red River with three other friends.
Catch This!
Destroy an enemy vehicle with the FGM-148 Anti-Tank Weapon.
Buzz Kill
Destroy an enemy vehicle with the FIM-92 Anti-Aircraft Weapon.
Driver’s Ed
Drive a humvee.
Danger Close
Call in Combat Support and be within 300m of it when it lands.
Pride Of Balletto
Complete a mission as the Auto Rifleman.
Pride Of Kirby
Complete a mission as the Rifleman.
Pride Of Soto
Complete a mission as the Scout.
Pride of Taylor
Complete a mission as the Grenadier.
Customize a weapon.
Of The People, For The People
Pick up an enemy AK.
Old Enemies Die Hard
Kill your first PLA soldier in the Red River campaign.
Operation Unbroken Resistance
Complete Act 2 of the campaign.
Max out three core soldier skills.
Outlaw 2’s Finest
Obtain the highest level for two character classes.
Operation Dragon Slayer
Complete Act 3 of the campaign.
Max out all core soldier skills.
Outlaw 2’s Hero
Obtain the highest level for all character classes.
Platinum Trophy
Obtain all Trophies in OF: Red River.
Hidden Trophies:
Rule #1
Don’t get shot
Rule #2
Short, controlled bursts
Rule #3
You discovered what Knox’s Rule #3 is
Rule #4
Watch your bullet drop
Rule #5
Patch your wounds
Rule #6
Keep a full mag
Rule #7
If in doubt, fall back
Rule #8
Keep the enemy suppressed
Rule #9
Rule #10
Beware of confined spaces
Valley of Death DLC Trophies
Lethal Modelling Clay
Destroy an enemy tank with C4 on any of the VOD maps.
Complete a VOD Rolling Thunder map without the convoy ever stopping.
Millionaires’ Club
Complete a VOD Last Stand map with over 1 million points.
More Speed, Less Haste
Find the pilots & destroy the chopper in under 5 minutes on a VOD CSR map.
VOD Master
Obtain a Gold Ring on all VOD FTE maps.
hope they could lower the whole simulation part of it this time.
From the sound of it that’s what they intend to do. But I thought the last one had it pretty spot on. When I played on Hardcore mode I loved it. This new list looks awesome though, being able to choose your class and upgrade weapons is quality.
I loved the realism in this game. I’m tired of the old “get hit a bunch of times, hide behind cover, heal magically, then run out and get shot again.” This game made you think about your decision on the battlefield and for once, you had to plan out your attack. With that said, can’t wait for this one to come out. 🙂
That was what made the game stand out. It’s rare you get a modern-day war shooter without a single COD or BC reference. I like and play those games but a change of pace is always welcome. Are you still looking for trophies from Dragon Rising?
LMAO at Red River
I Just picked this game up. Loveed the first one and been meaning to get this for ages. None of my psn friends play this unfortanetly. Add me if your up for multiplayer as the “with a little help trophy looks like a b*&h to get.
forgot to mention my psn id, ” greatness432″ lol