Prince of Persia Trophies
Total Trophies: 51Escape to experience the new fantasy world of ancient Persia. Masterful storytelling and sprawling environments deliver a brand new adventure that re-opens the Prince of Persia saga. Now you have the freedom to determine how the game evolves in this non-linear adventure. Players will decide how they unfold the storyline by choosing their path in the open-ended world.
Unlock all trophies.
Into the Storm…
Enter the Canyon.
Unlock Elika’s Saving Ability.
Completing the Canyon.
Use the Compass.
Heal the Land
First Healing.
Saviour of the City of Light
Final Healing.
Now who’s the Hunter?
Kill the Hunter in his Lair.
Death of a Warrior King
Kill the Warrior in his Fortress.
Death of a Concubine
Kill the Concubine in her Palace.
Traitor’s End
Kill the Alchemist in his Observatory.
From Darkness… Light!
Reimprison Ahriman.
Explore every part of every region.
Block Master
Block 50 attacks.
Deflect Master
Deflect 20 attacks.
Sword Master
Perform 14 hits in one combo.
Be gentle with her
Elika saves you fewer than 100 times in the whole game.
Use the environment against an enemy.
Up against it
Win a wall mini-game in combat.
Ruined Citadel Runner
Run from the Sun Temple’s Fertile Ground to the Fertile Ground in Windmills in 5 minutes.
Vale Runner
Run between the Fertile Grounds in the Construction Yards and Heaven’s Stair in 6 minutes.
Royal Palace Runner
Run between the Fertile Grounds in the Royal Gardens and Coronation Halls in 4 minutes.
City of Light Runner
Run between the Fertile Grounds in the Tower of Ahriman and City of Light in 7 minutes.
Warrior Special
Dodge the Warrior’s attacks 20 times in one battle.
Hunter Special
Deflect the Hunter’s attacks 5 times in one battle.
Alchemist Special
Defeat the Alchemist without using the acrobatic attack.
Concubine Special
Defeat the Concubine without using grab.
Light Seeds Finder
Collect 100 Light Seeds.
Light Seeds Collector
Collect 200 Light Seeds.
Light Seeds Provider
Collect 300 Light Seeds.
Light Seeds Locator
Collect 400 Light Seeds.
Light Seeds Harvester
Collect 500 Light Seeds.
Light Seeds Hoarder
Collect 600 Light Seeds.
Light Seeds Gatherer
Collect 700 Light Seeds.
Light Seeds Accumulator
Collect 800 Light Seeds.
Light Seeds Protector
Collect 900 Light Seeds.
Light Seeds Master
Collect 1001 Light Seeds.
Speed Kill
Kill 10 generic enemies before they spawn.
Throw Master
Throw 10 Soldiers of Ahriman into pits.
Assassin View
Find the Assassin’s view.
Titanic view
Find the Titanic View.
In Harmony
500 coop jumps.
Precious Time
Take one minute to think.
Where’s that Temple?
Talk to Elika.
Getting to Know You
Get to know Elika by talking to her.
Good Company
Learn about the world, and Elika’s history.
Climbing to New Heights!
Find the highest point in the world.
Sinking to New Depths!
Find the lowest point in the world.
Speed Demon
Finish the game in under 12 hours.
To be continued…
The End.
Combo Specialist
Find every combo in the game.
Epilogue DLC Trophies:
All the Frescos
Reach all Ormazd’s Frescos in the Epilogue.
A Fresco of Light
Reach one Ormazd’s Fresco in the Epilogue.
Born Dead
Kill all the soldiers of the Epilogue before they spawn.
What Once was There
First use of Energize in the Epilogue.
Bouncing From Here to There
Complete the puzzle with rebound in the Epilogue.
Leaving the Storm
Complete the Epilogue.
I Only Need a Hand or Twenty
Elika saves you fewer than 20 times in the whole Epilogue.
No Time to Waste
Complete the Epilogue in less than 2 hours.
The Best Offence is Good Defence
Defeat any enemy of the Epilogue by only starting a combo with a Deflect and Counter-Attack.
Change Once, Then Die
In the Epilogue, defeat the Shapeshifter with only one shape change.
played the game the 2nd time to achieve the “Be gentle with her” & the “Speed Demo” trophy. shure i finished with less than 25 kills and below 7 hours. Nevertheless I dont get the reward. How fare do I have to play and when to the trophies pop up? Is a restart not enough. Am I supposed to erase the whole game before the restart? Help, somewhow wasted 7 hours of my life for nothig….
powerhill..did you install the patch? or are you sure you got less than 100 kills and finished it less than 12 hours cause you will get the trophy…
*SPOILERS* when the prince gives the last light seed to elika when she died *End of Spoilers*
just got platinum today! 😀 its a nice 1 to own
pobert06 thanks for the first help. It’s the first timer i’m running for trophies, so may i made some basic things wrong? As mentioned i restarted the game (new game) to start a new odysee… Everytime I died I reloaded my last saved game and tried again. Over all I died (in my saved games) less than 25 times (only boss fights and deads you have to take at the beginning and with the concobine). Also my net time for the playing was less than 7 hours (pure time in my saved games). The games is not adding the time you played and died and you havn´t saved? I also scaned the saved games on my ps3 hard drive. They show 29 hours of gameplay and 54 healed regions. Is it just adding and hasn´t realy restarted the game?
Thanks for any help.
PS.: Is there a way to see if the patch is installed?
no saves wont add up cos you are starting a new save not continuing not sure why you cant get it..maybe its a glitch or something…the combo specialist is glitched but im not sure bout this one cause all the people ive known has the platinum and has no problem getting both trophies..why dont you try to delete the old saves and start a fresh one just to make sure…i hope it works cause i think its the only way..
im sorry bout the patch..i was mistaken bout that..the game already supports trophies when you play it..
powerhill the same thing happened with me..
if u start a new game with old saves still, everything is carried into the new saves. eg like the number of hours played and the number of times died
what you need to do is delete all saved data on the home screen (xmb) under saved data utility.
then you7 can start a new game fresh and then it will be possible to complete challenges like speed demon and be gentle with her if you have not yet got them
damn it i was planning on having 2 save files, one so i can go and get the rest of the light seeds (1001) OMG.. and the other for the speed run and dying less than 100 times.. so ill have to go get the rest of the light seeds first, then delete the files and start over.
this is a major drag because i just finished the game today and my last save file was way back after i defeted the warrior, and was on my second battle with concubine. i played the rest straight thru. and my autosave is after elika dies at the end, so i cant go and get the remaining light seeds without playng half th game again anyways,, *sigh*
*TIP*** if you want to get ALL of the light seeds make sure to save the game after healing all the lands, BEFORE you go back to the temple. 😀
sorry for the double post..
i wanted to tell everyone here that the combo specialist trophy IS NOT glitched like everyone thinks it is.. WELL, its is, kind of. heres why….
#1.If your combo kills the enemy it will not count.(but, the enemy MUST die)
#2.If an enemy blocks any part of the combo it will not count(try fighting the beginning bosses, they block less).
#3.If you hit an enemy into a wall or off a ledge the combo will not count!
the full list of combos is already posted, just make sure
1 other thing you should take note of when doing the combo specialist trophy is that when you do the last combo on the list YOU WONT GET THE TROPHY STRAIGHT AWAY as dannifood4less said you must kill the enemy then the trophy should appear 🙂 (just thought i’d point that out cus i nearly had a seizure when i did the last combo and didnt gettit lol :P)
LOL.. yes me too. i would recommend starting a new game and starting your combo list on the first couple of guards before you get into the desert, then fight the hunter, conubine, and alchemist. make sure you let them heal health too by letting them get some hits on you, and you should have it if you dont do anything wrong. 😉
i also came across this..
for help with just about everything, including light seed locations if you have trouble finding a few like i did. 😉
WHOOPS! wrong link… 😀
here the right link..
thanks for all the feeback! managed to get the platinum for this (had to play it through twice because of the elika saves)
Okay I need help. I got enough cash for this game but I don’t know if I should buy it. I would like another platinum worth it but I might buy CoD: World at War or this one.
Which one should I buy, PoP or WaW
ayo Weav S X X I’ve played em both and I guess that it really depends on what u like more (FPS or Action/Adventure games) WaW is great but if your not good at FPS’s then platinum could be hard to acheive (I got 34 percent on WaW) I say get PoP man in my opinion you will get that platinum alot easier (though u might have to play through it twice – but PoP is awesome so i’m sure you wont mind) and if u get PoP make sure and go to’s PoP walkthrough and get the codes for the skins!
Weav S X X
I have never played WaW but I rented POW for $10 and beat it will all trophies in the rental period of 7 days. I had to pkay it through twice to get the gold Elika trophy, but I still managed to do it in only the 7 days. After beating it twice and platinuming it, it really had no replay value for me. I’m glad I rented instead of buying it.
That’s just my opinion though, and I was just like you in that I was thinking of buying it initially. Hope that helps in your decision 🙂
oops and that was supposed to say POP .. not POW.. :s sorry!
what was this about a patch to get the ‘be gentle with her’ and ‘speed demon’ trophies. cos if i have to delete my saves where i got the 1001 light seeds i’ll be annoyed. and with precious time i tried doing it just a smidge too late, wasn’t far off though.
ah i think that i found a solution. I’ll move the saves to another user on my system then do it again. Also who’s jade and how do i get other skins. And what does the exclusive content button do? When i pressed it, it just restarted my game. Thanks.
i only have four trophies left:
1.Collect 800 light seeds
2.collect 900 light seeds
3.collect 1001 light seeds
and 4.Be Gentle With Her
Woo Hoo!
Just the last few light seeds now and be gentle with her!
So close to platinum!
woo yea, dlc trophies
should be easy
but will give me a reason to pick it back up after awhile.
DLC trophies are gonna be easy..cmon,two hours? i hope it doesn’t cost more that $10…can’t wait..
yeah im looking forward to playing the DLC. i really enjoyed playing this game.
just found out about the DLC,it’s the epilogue!
this means just one thing..they are putting a closure to Prince of Persia through the dare Ubisoft do this!
and i’m thinking there was gonna be a sequel..but now it seems clear that Ubisoft wants to end Prince of Persia quickly..oh well..
DLC is the bane of my existence. is every game going to get this now? i know someone has mentioned this before, about how ridiculous prices are getting after you pay $59 for a game, then $10 for DLC here, $10 there, and end up with a $80-$90 game. it’s too much man. not to mention i already completed this game for the platinum and sold it because i figured there would be absolutely nothing else to do with it. won’t be picking this up again, though it was a great game to start with, but DLC? come on.
this is stupid, DLC is the bane of my existence! i know someone said this before, about how ridiculous it is that we pay $59 for a game, then have to pay $10 here, another $10 there, and the game ends up being $80-$90! seems like every game is doing this now to get more out of the billion dollar market. POP was a great game but i sold my copy of it once completed because i figured there would never be anything more to do with it. and DLC that actually completes the story for the game? that’s ridiculous to have to pay for the ending of a game you already bought. definitely won’t be buying this one!
Going to rent this game next. I won’t be buying the DLC, just like I didn’t for LBP. I don’t care about the 100%. It would be nice to have it for finishing the actual game, but whatever.
This game is fairly easy to Platinum on a rental, unless your game glitches out twice like mine…
Seriously, screw you Ubisoft Montreal. Once I couldn’t even finish the game due to a bugged out power plate, and the second time through I could only get to 999 light seeds (not counting the final end one), so in the end I was 1 light seed short of getting the Platinum.
Be wary of this title if you plan on getting 100%. The amount of bugs in the PS3 version are just bad enough to piss you off.
a glitch happened on mine i died about 200 times but i still got the be gentle with her trophy i am not complaining just wandering if this has happened to anyone else
“just found out about the DLC,it’s the epilogue!
this means just one thing..they are putting a closure to Prince of Persia through the dare Ubisoft do this!”
No… Since this PoP has nothing to do with that trilogy (Sands of Time, Warrior Within, Two Towers) they could create an ENTIRELY diferent PoP again… that woudn’t necessarily mean that the franchise is over.
well i just hope that they won’t end the present PoP this way..
I’ve played all the old PoP games and in contrast they are better than the present PoP game storywise…But I’ve come to like the new PoP as I won’t be expecting any future sequel for the old PoP..
It took me less than 12 hours for getting all but the Precious Time, Sword Master and the Combo Specialist in one save… it was way too easy, unfortunately 😐
Finally got the DLC but i’m stuck at i guess the last bossfight against elika’s dad
i can’t get him of the ledge a second time this is 10 times more irritating then the warrior bossfights
the idea is the same but it just doesn’t work. my friend has a turbo controller and it doen’t even work with that
can anyone that made it help me with this??
just finished the DLC and i gotta say that the ending is another cliffhanger..thought that it was the end but looks like there will be another not gonna spoil it for anybody..i’ve got all the trophies except for frescos one..great DLC though..
you can’t kill must nail him to the throne..pain in the ass though but its the only way..
hey guys congrats to all who have the platnuim. for the dude having trouble with elikas dad on the dlc final level.let him charge at you,get far to the edge then counter the charge then press x (im on ps3) or the jump button to jump over him then follow up with square,square etc. and push him over the edge. guys i heard something about the be gente with her trophy. i dont know if its true but if you have a save near the end and you downloaded the patch recently IT RESETS YOUR SAVES AND DEATHS!!!. this may be a rumour im not sure but worth a try.
Yup the reset update cheat for speed demon and be gentle with her wait until after the credits and then both trophies appear SCORE!!!
So if i delete the update data just before i complete the game and re-download it, will it reset my stats enabling me to get the be gentle with her trophy and speed demon?
i bought this game a few days ago and it told me to download the patch the first time i put the game disc in. I am sure i died more than 100 times but at the end of the credits i still got be gentle with her and the under 12 hours thing. and it said i beat it in 11hrs30min when im sure it was 12hrs30min. did this happen to anyone else?
ya with the new patch you automatically get those two trophies i got the plat in a few days it was pretty simple but fun.
i know a cheat to get the elika saves you fewer than 100 timex in the whole game, and the complete the game in under 12 hours. what you have to do is first complete the game, than just after you defeat arhiman save the game,then reboot your system change your costume, then load the game and go and cut down the 4 trees. this worked for me i dont know if it will work for anyone else but it did work for my friend.
oh and by the way does anyone know how to get the Precious Time trophy because i keep doingg it but i get absaloutley nothing.
oh if anyone can help with the assasin view trophy it would be greatly appreciated
Hi all,
question about a few trophies, the first four after platinum, into the storm, saved, wallrunner and compass, and wheres that temple, getting to know you and good company.
i have completed the game but i have not got them trophies. i know i should’ve got them when i played throughout the game because i would’ve done all those i.e. enter the canyon, used Elika’s save when i’ve fallen, run along walls, and used the compass and talked to her, but i have not got a earned date on them. the trophy image is displayed but has a question mark over it.
is this normal or is it some kind of glitch.? can anyone confirm please?
PSN name: stars_scream
mate the throphies look like that – with the question mark 😀
is that serious? the patch gives you those trophies regardless?
sorry if im so gullible
Yes, I can confirm that. Got Platinum a few days ago.
– Got the “Be gentle with her” and “Speed Demon” trophies after the end credits in my first run through the game, in which I got saved by Elika rather 1001 times than a hundred and that took me more than 20 hours, since I like to explore everything during the first time I play a game. I installed the patch after the last bossfight.
– No problems getting all the other trophies, all above info seems correct to me, however here´s one additional fact:
For the “Combo Specialist” trophy combos will also count if you combine them into combo chains, for example I did the 14 hit combo for “Sword Master” but not the 4 parts it consists of, and got the trophy after completing all the other combos.
Great game overall, but zero replay value. And pay for the final chapter of a full price game with no online??? UBISOFT, that´s a NO GO!
i havnt got the be gentle. so mate maybe you just got it from fair play? 😀
Picked this game back up after playing inFamous for a few weeks. Just can’t get into this game at all, sent it back to Gamefly today.
as a persian i gotta say i love the PoP series…i just dont know why they made his attitude cocky and his eyes blue…i mean if not brown, at least green. we’re talking Persia, and persians/iranians…right?! thats bullshit Ubisoft! you should know better, especially when you spat such a game like assassins creed (lots of love)….you figure Ubisoft would know whats up!
overall its an easy plat.
this is a good game
can someone help get me plat on this game please
wat do u need help with?
I finished the game and bought the DLC but I can’t install it… I’ve downloaded it and then I install it but when I run the game…nothing. I mean I paid $9.99 for it and I would like to plat the Epilogue and win those trophies. Any hel pn installing the DLC pack? Thanks in advance.