Quantum of Solace Trophies
Total Trophies: 51James Bond is back to settle the score in Quantum of Solace: The Game. Introducing a more lethal and cunningly efficient Bond, the game blends intense first-person action with a unique third-person cover combat system that allows players to truly feel what it is like to be the ultimate secret agent as they use their stealth, precision shooting and lethal combat skills to progress through missions.
Live and let die
Takedown 50 enemies
Diamonds are forever
Hack all locks
For your eyes only
Disable 10 cameras
The man with the Golden Gun
Defeat 50 enemies with one shot each
Time to face gravity
In White’s Estate, open the cellar door with one shot
We have people everywhere
In Siena, shoot all seven satellite dishes on the rooftops
Opera isn’t for everyone
In Opera House, move through backstage without alerting the guards
He’s coming fast!
In Sink Hole, kill the helicopter pilot while the gunners are still alive
I miss the Cold War
Outside the Science Center, defeat each sniper guard with one shot
Half-monk, half-hitman
Inside the Science Center, shoot down all the lights in the main hall
In Airport, save the Skyfleet servers without breaking stealth
I’m the money
In Train, only use the P99 while on the freight train
Any thug can kill
in Casino Royale, reach the spa room without alerting or attacking the guards
I’ve got a little itch
In Barge, save Vesper in under 2 minutes
Allow me
In Venice, defeat Gettler with one shot
You just need one shot
In Eco Hotel, kill the driver of the car
License to kill
Defeat an enemy with one shot
A view to kill
Complete White’s Estate
From Russia with love
Complete Siena, Opera House and Sink Hole
The living daylights
Complete Shantytown and Construction Site
On Her Majesty’s secret service
Complete Science Center exterior, interior and Airport
Casino Royale
Complete Montenegro Train, Casino Royale and Casino Poison
The spy who loved me
Complete Barge and Venice
Quantum of Solace
Complete Eco Hotel
Collect 30 cell phones
I know where you keep your gun
Unlock and purchase all weapons
Quite the body count
Unlock and purchase all weapon attachments
Ejector seat, you’re joking?
Unlock and purchase all gadgets
Unlock and purchase all golden weapons
Chemin de Fer
Unlock and purchase all weapons, grenades, gadgets, attachments and golden weapons
You’ve defused hundreds of these
Defuse a bomb in Bond Versus once
Dr. No
Win a round as Bond in Bond Versus mode
I admire your courage
Earn over 1,000 in credits
The best player in the service
Be a top player in an online match
Yes, considerably
Play 100 online matches
Shaken, not stirred
Win 5 Territory Control online matches
A licensed troubleshooter
Eliminate 100 players with the Golden Gun in Golden Gun mode
The nature of evil
Eliminate 10 enemies while blindfiring from cover across all games
3030 was a double
Eliminate 100 players while in cover across all games
Die another day
Escape as Bond in Bond Evasion mode
The world is not enough
Collect all cell phones
Collect all power weapons
Complete game on New Recruit
Tomorrow never dies
Complete game on Field Operative
You only live twice
Complete game on Agent
He’s playing his golden harp
Melee the player with the Golden Gun
Life is full of small challenges
Earn over 10,000 in credits
A measure of comfort
Eliminate 1,000 players across all games played
The name is Bond, James Bond
Complete game on 007
For England, James?
Earn over 100,000 in credits
achieved 00 status
to meny bronze
I’ve been iffy on this game, but after the past few videos, I think it might turn out pretty well. I’d like to see a little more variety in the trophies but I’m really just pumped that someone else is supporting them!
I was gonna get this game anyway, so the trophies are a bonus. I agree though, there are way too many bronze – 40 out of 51!!!
takes the p**s a tad that most of the trophys are bronze even the tricky ones.
im not sure on this one… might just rent it
I really hate those “play forever, or play 100 online game” trophies. I want the challenging ones.
nice gb notz
this game was so bad big disaponitment
I found the main missions mad as they flow between this film and casino. Good online, but crap when u first start as ur first weapon is poor. Classic mode is good for ranking up.
i will play this one in a year as soon as i gets returned to blockbuster.
how do u get the thunderball 1
got this game 4 crimbo & it is gr8 🙂
both online & story r mint !!
how you get the power weapons?
im definatly going for platnum on this game i only need 4 more levels on 007 difficulty.
Maybe it was because I was ready for crushing disappointment after the last few bond games i played, but I actually thought this game was awesome. Wasn’t fond of the online play. Main campaign played really well. 8/10
3 more trophies for platnum 100’000 credits all guns’gold’guns’gadgets’sights andall golden guns.
can someone please explain the “thunderball” trophy (collect all powerweapons)?
are they the ones in the yellow cases found in the levels and do you just have to pick them up, that’s it?
Do the difficulty trophies stack? (I do Agent and I get the other 2 below)?
Platnum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 i got it 1week and 3 days ago get in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Weav S X X yes they do stack do 00 and u get all 4 trophies
yeh i think this game is very good but i would like to see some more gold and silver trophys but apart from that everything is all good .
I just got Platinum! Amazing game. I really enjoyed the whole game. Apart from that, it might be just my taste. First of all I love shooters but many people said this game sucked… not true. Addictive multiplayer. Good single player, never been boring and some hard parts. The Golden Gun mode and Bond Versus is really enjoyable.
Hardest trophy for me were the 2 gold ones. (100,000 credits and 007 mode complete.)
On 007 it wasn’t easy as people said aswell. It had been patched and made harder (As i’ve been told?) It’s not that you can run through this game on 007. You have to take cover everywhere since you die in 2-3 hits..
^_^ If you need any help on this game you can add me
PSN: Weavsxx
Yeahh got Platinum too … i agree the comment by Weavsxx
Got the Game for a small Money on Gamestop … love it so much
for a Shooter Fan no Problem to get the Platinum not easy but not
impossible when you are a good Player on Shooters …
Im very Happy with my “License to Kill” :XD
If anyone need help to get some Trophys watch out Youtube there
are a lot of helpness Videos 4 you … Have Fun !!!!
PSN: hokorewe
I have a question someone here can probly answer for me.
On the earn 100000 credits one. Do I have to have th1 100k credits available and unspent or can I buy stuff along the way as I earn credits and when I have earned a total of 100k credits overall,will the trophy unlock?
I’m pretty sure you can buy things along the way. I got the 10 000 credits trophy… when I really only had just over 6000 available credits as I had already spent some.
Great thanks for the info.=)
Platinum on this a few days ago! Pretty good game overall. Decent single player… fun but forgettable multiplayer.
Platinum at last after my horrible net connection is avoiding me from getting it..pretty fun game if you ask me and golden gun mode online is the most fun in the game..
can someone please tell me how long the “Yes, considerably” – win 100 online matches and “For England, James ?” – get 100,000 credits trophies take ? i really want to know if this would be a quick platinum. thanks in advance 😀
add me and we can get the trophies together 😀
PSN – mvarun
if anyone want to get the licensed troubleshooter trophy add me on psn-pj77m
the last bond game i played was goldeneye on N64 and i LOVED IT…..this one just as good or any better?
say you do it on 007 then you will get all the ones below it to so you can get a gold and 3 silvers at one time
i wish i could answer that dude cuz i started the game on agent (just got it the other day)….so i HOPE it does cuz 4 playthroughs is at least two too much!
anybody wanna help out with its online trophies?
PSN: same as username
There isnt anybody online for this multiplayer! i waited for 10 mins every time and not one person showed up!
btw u can play once on 007 and get all other three trophies
with the 100.000 trophy can you spend as well as geting it or do you have to save it up please help psn
hi there! i just got the special edition for only 25 euros =P ehehhe for the trophie list i see the most difficult is the online trophies, wish me luck… sorry folks but i cant help you with the trophies yet, but u can see them on youtube =) eheheh
Psn: Kaskas_7
you can spend it, so say you’ve made 10,000 credits overall but only have 4,000 cuz you spent, you still get the trophy.
What is the best game mode to get credits?
Bond evaison mode is good.
Hey Is There Any Glitches To Complete The Game WithOut Evan tryin If Not Im Willing To DO It MySelf But Online licensed Troubleshooter Is Pissin Me Off I Cannot Get It Im Just Shit Lol But AnyOne Add Me Jamie_-_97 And We’ll Get Trophies Together In a private Match.
last trophy .. a licensed Troubleshooter trophy but i can’t play golden gun for shit anyone help? (psn is same as username
Are you crazy this is the best game for trophies and chits like that
I cant find one of the dishes
Man, no one ever plays the Bond Versus mode online… and somehow I am only able to create Private games online, if anyone knows how to create a public match, can you tell me?
yea, that golden gun trophy is hella hard to get!
Need help in getting online trophies, add me – PSN – Tianuchka
i only need the 100,000 credits trophy to get platinum now!!!