Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time Trophies
Total Trophies: 37Ratchet and Clank are back and on a mission to save the future!! Concluding the events that began in Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction and Quest for Booty, R&C: A Crack in Time will answer some of the franchise fans’ biggest questions.
My Blaster Runs Really, Really Hot
Score 10,000 points on My Blaster Runs Hot.
Q-Force Cadet
Complete the game on Casual.
Bronze Champion
Win the Bronze Tournament.
Silver Champion
Win the Silver Tournament.
Gold Champion
Win the Gold Tournament.
Raritanium Champion
Win the Raritanium Tournament.
Fastoon Warrior
Upgrade one weapon to level 5.
For a Rainy Day
Collect 10,000 bolts.
Greed is Good
Collect 50,000 bolts.
Q-Force Hero
Complete the game on Medium.
Zoni Collector
Rescue all Zoni.
Bolt Collector
Collect all gold bolts.
The Gunsmith
Collect all Constructo modifications.
The Samaritan
Complete all space missions.
Retirement Fund
Collect 250,000 bolts.
Preferred Customer
Purchase all GrummelNet Weapons.
Collect 1,000,000 bolts.
Q-Force Champion
Complete the game on Hard.
Glutton for Punishment
Complete a Challenge Mode playthrough.
The Lombax Triumphant
Collect all trophies in the game.
Visit the Insomniac Museum.
Terraklon Assassin
Vanquish Lord Vorselon.
It Belongs in a Museum
Retrieve Chief Zahn’s Zoni Vessel.
Rude Awakening
Complete Great Clock, Sector One.
Junior Caretaker
Defeat the Hypersonic Brainwave Scrambler.
Senior Caretaker
Repair temporal damage caused by Dr. Nefarious.
The General’s Pupil
Master the hoverboots.
Savior of Axiom City
Destroy the VX-99.
Apogee Explorer
Find the Obsidian Eye.
Time Keeper
Unlock the Orvus Chamber.
Leave no Lombax Behind
Save General Azimuth from Lord Vorselon’s clutches.
Paradox Hero
Confront Dr. Nefarious in the past.
Just Like Old Times
Reunite with Clank.
Party Crasher
Destroy Dr. Nefarious’ armada.
Somebody Call For Backup?
Stop the Agorians from destroying Gimlick Valley.
88 MPH
Defeat General Azimuth and save the universe.
Revenge of the Squishy
Defeat Dr. Nefarious.
played the demo at gamestop when i went to get uncharted 2 3 days ago..
finally trophies for playing ratchet and clank.. i loved ftod, but i had trophy games to out way it
so now i can finally play ratchet and clank with trophies
plus i played this at gamescome.. it was awesome!!!!
hidden trophies much?
cant wait til it comes out Loads of hidden trophies and all the other R&C games ive got are kickass. Add me on the PS3 if u got online its JoshuaRH96 games i got Call of Duty5 and 4,uncharted 1,ETC
YeY Finally
Im determind to platinum this game, even if it means i dont platinum another game. i’ve played every R&C game so i got experience but i dont think its going to be a easy platinum
MW2 almost made me forget about this, and now that i remember, i cant wait. The trophies look fairly easy but quite a lot of hiddens.
I reckon the hidden trophies be trophies you get from beating bosses like resistance 2. But then i doubt theres 19 bosses…
17* you mean
Maybe the hidden ones are for completing each planet or space mission who knows yet
This Will Be Great I Have Finished Every R&C Game Can’t Wait 4 This, Feel Free To Ad Me Jarrod1234
2 of the secret trophies:
Rude Awakening
It belongs in a museum – Collect the Zoni vessel.
For Rude Awakening i think you need to complete the very first level…
i cant wait for this game to come out! i always been a fan of this game! i will play this until i have everything finished
Doesn’t it come out just before halloween???
here are the secret trophies…SPOILER ALERT (oh god if i only knew, HUGE HUGE HUGE SPOILERS IM NOT JOKING)
15/17 were released

Nice user man!
i think the hidden trophies are like “get 10 skill points” “get 20 skill points” “get 30 skill points” etc.. i mean would suck if there wouldnt be any skill points
playing this now an loving it^^
These are all of the secret trophies:
It Belongs in a Museum (Bronze): Retrieve Chief Zahn’s Zoni Vessel.
Rude Awakening (Bronze): Complete Great Clock, Sector One.
Junior Caretaker (Bronze): Defeat the Hypersonic Brainwave Scrambler.
Senior Caretaker (Bronze): Repair temporal damage caused by Dr. Nefarious.
The General’s Pupil (Bronze): Master the hoverboots.
Savior of Axiom City (Bronze): Destroy the VX-99.
Apogee Explorer (Bronze): Find the Obsidian Eye.
Time Keeper (Bronze): Unlock the Orvus Chamber.
88 MPH (Bronze): Defeat General Azimuth and save the universe.
Leave no Lombax Behind (Bronze): Save General Azimuth from Lord Vorselon’s clutches.
Paradox Hero (Bronze): Confront Dr. Nefarious in the past.
Somebody Call For Backup? (Bronze): Stop the Agorians from destroying Gimlick Valley.
Just Like Old Times (Bronze): Reunite with Clank.
Party Crasher (Bronze): Destroy Dr. Nefarious’ armada.
Revenge of the Squishy (Bronze): Defeat Dr. Nefarious.
Insomniac (Bronze): Visit the Insomniac Museum.
Terraklon Assassin (Gold): Vanquish Lord Vorselon.
Played both demos & they’re amazing, PS3 needs the great exclusives now. 2010 is the rise of PS3! Microsoft can suck it with their piece of shit they call a system!
great game lool add me!
im gona buy this. it will cost me 1 euro. HAAHAA

easy platinum
platinumed it
Played Both Demos their amazing i haven’t got the game because it comes out in November 6 …………. I I’ve in the UK so i wait longer
ADD ME AT JoshuaRH96 on PS3
Do you people have readed the 2nd last one? defeat general azimuth. D:
when is the trophy guide coming out ratchet525?
This game has already been released, so why is it placed on the “Will support trophies on release (All games released after Jan 09 will have to have trophy support, so this section will not be updated with new games) :” and not in the “Already supports trophies:”? And ninja gaiden 2 is on both… If I didn’t have firefox I couldn’t ctrl + f
Can’t you get all the hidden trophies by completing the game once?
Please tell me. Thanks
So you won’t get it the day of your birthday then will you? lol. Maybe later in the day or something because your mum has to go out and buy it first
And does this game have offline multiplayer coz my friend wanted to know? Thanks
i love ratchet and clank i have r&c ftod and r&c fqfb please add me my name on ps3 network is MORGANTREACY
ive completed every ratchet and clank game so i was glad when i found out it had trophies so i could get a platinum and i did. psn NDO95
Is my first PS3 game that I’m going to play. I hope trophies are as fun as achievements (over 100k gamerscore). There are 1 or 2 games I want to check out. If anybody has C
XBL and can help me out with how PS3 works, MSG me on live GT: bob101910 rfp
just bought it, does anyone know if you beat it on hard do you get the easy and medium trophies? thanks add me psn smittyde77 level 10
another thing, does anyone know when you beat the game is it the same as the past games where you can play through the game on the harder mode and keep all your weapons?
yes smittde77 u get easy and medium trophies!! well i did.. so u should get them 2
if your a ratchet and clank fan this game is a must have.
How do you ‘visit the insomniac museum’? Thanks
get all 40 zoni and defeat lord vorselon
and how do you find the my blaster runs hot place?
don’t worry i found it
do you keep all youre upgrades, bolts and wepons if you played on medium and then go for a hard run?? coz that what I would like to do:)
Thanks in advanse;)
3 trophies till platinum!! MBRH, samaritan and q force champion
Add me:pandi007
question: if I beat the game in challenge mode, does that give me all the Q-Force Champion trophy as well as the Glutton for Punishment, or do I have to play through the game again in hard to get the last trophy.
wow this game is good but a few bugs need to be fixed with the hover boots. you die too much with them. and very easy game to pl. besides that stuped “my blaster runs hot” game….pos.