Red Faction: Guerrilla Trophies
Total Trophies: 61Red Faction: Guerrilla is a 3rd person, open-world action shooter set on Mars, 50 years after the events of the original Red Faction.
Welcoming Committee
Complete the Tutorial mission.
Spread the Word
Liberate Parker Sector.
Death From Above
Liberate Dust Sector.
Friendly Skies
Liberate Badlands Sector.
Don’t Tread On Me
Liberate Oasis Sector.
Coup D’etat
Liberate Eos Sector.
Complete 5 Guerrilla Actions.
Complete 25 Guerrilla Actions.
Freedom Fighter
Complete 50 Guerrilla Actions.
Clean and Righteous!
Destroy 5 High Importance targets.
Warp Speed
Beat all Transporter Pro times.
Got Any Fingers Left?
Beat all Pro times in Demolitions Master.
Lost Memories
Locate all missing radio tags.
Working the Land
Mine all ore locations.
Free Your Mind
Destroy all instances of propaganda.
One Man Army
Complete 25 killing sprees during the Campaign.
Broken Supply Line
Destroy 250 EDF supply crates.
Power to the People
Raise the Morale of 3 sectors to 100%.
Tank Buster
Blow up 100 small hydrogen tanks.
Coming Down!
Destroy 50 EDF owned buildings.
Freed Space
Destroy 50 EDF flyers.
Just the Beginning
Win a Matchmaking match.
Start of Something Special
Play 5 Matchmaking matches.
Doing Your Part
Kill 10 enemies in a Matchmaking Match.
Destroy a Siege target.
Reconstruct a Damage Control target.
Grab Some Popcorn
Enter Spectator mode and enjoy the show!
Try Anything Once
Finish a match in every mode.
Check Your Map
Finish a match on every map in Multiplayer.
Tools of the Trade
Score a kill with every weapon in Multiplayer.
Field Tested
Earn 1,000 XP in Multiplayer.
Battle Scarred
Earn 10,000 XP in Multiplayer.
A Winner is You!
Win 250 matchmaking games.
Topher Would Be Proud
Play 250 matchmaking games.
Courier of Pain
Score 5,000 kills in Multiplayer.
Complete 4 hidden challenges in Multiplayer.
Complete 8 hidden challenges in Multiplayer.
Jack of all Trades
Score 10 kills while wearing each backpack.
The High and Mighty
Kill a flying opponent using a remote charge stuck to them.
Party Time
Play all Wrecking Crew modes once.
Can’t Get Enough
Play every mode on all maps in Wrecking Crew.
Wrecking Ball
Score 25 million points worth of destruction in Wrecking Crew.
Martian Tea Party
Complete 2 missions for the Red Faction.
Complete all Guerrilla Actions.
Disaster Area
Destroy 1 billion credits worth of EDF property.
Best Friends Forever
Kill 100 EDF with the sledgehammer during the Campaign.
Mad Genius
Complete 16 hidden challenges in Multiplayer.
Red Dawn
Liberate Mars.
War Veteran
Earn 100,000 XP in Multiplayer.
Red Faction Member
Play online with another player who has completed the Campaign.
Red Faction: Guerrilla
Unlock all Trophies in Red Faction: Guerrilla
Demons of the Badlands DLC Trophies:
Bound in Blood
Complete Rescue.
Family Vengeance
Complete Retribution.
A Greater Purpose
Complete Redemption.
Deliverance Defender
Complete Marauder Actions.
Tumbling Down
Beat all Pro times in Mariner Valley Demo Masters and Transporters.
Mobile Bombs
Destroy 100 EDF vehicles.
Structural Integrity
Destroy all Medium and High Priority Targets in Mariner Valley.
Purge the Valley
Break the EDF Control of the Mariner Valley.
Ares’ Bloodlust
Destroy the 4 Marauder War Totems.
The Power of One
Collect 75 Marauder Power Cells.
not bad, not bad at all. i’ll be getting this so if anyone wants to play online add me.
red faction member looks quite interesting if a bit easy for a gold
YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!! DESTROY EVERYTHING!!!! I have officially played this demo more than most psn games I’ve bought, good god I want this game! Miiiiiiiiiiiitch I’m totally down for online destruction, and monkey ur right, that does look easy, but hey, I ain’t complainin’
@bigwoopmagazine really? me too i have played this game more then any other dome or psn game!!! awsame gamee!!!! hope its gooooood
Do the multiplayer trophies mean online or is splitscreen an option? Anyone know?
Based on these comments I am gunna get the demo right now. I loved the original and this seems to be a good follow up.
PSN ID:nukdollars
Im getting this game for sure:D
a split screen would be nice,,, so many games are lacking that, but i think its going to be online only for the multiplayer… It just seems to be the trend lately
ah, looked it up, local hotseat style. Multiplayer will involve destroying as many things as you can within a time limit, then passing the controller to see if other people can do more destruction. Considering the old burnout games, this sounds like it could be some pretty ridiculous fun.
got it today…
online is sub-par(no offense to those who like it) The story mode is awesome, but should have been longer and had more missions with Jenkins.
Are many people actually playing this? Nobody seems to be asking for, or posting any specific info on the trophies.
I’m playing it, but I’m juggling between this, Infamous, and Bionic Commando, so its slow going. Infamous was just too good to put down, but now that I beat that I’m focusing more on the other two. What I’ve noticed with the Red Faction trophies is that this game is absolutely enormous, and it takes forever to get anything done that earns trophies. I’m close on a few, but theres so many collectibles, it’ll be a while before I get those. Especially since I’m not playing it to go for the trophies, I always play to play the game first, and go for the trophies after beating the campaign. However, if anyone finds a decent guide for the collectibles, or a map, please post the link, I’ve looked and come up with squat. Between the radio tags, ore to mine, EDF propaganda, EDF flyers, and EDF supply crates, any map would be helpful. Beyond that though, most of the trophies are really very straight forward.
One important thing to note is that some trophies will unlock cheat codes. While some of these codes are pretty cool and fun, you CAN NOT save, or earn any trophies while these cheats are active. And here they are:
Cool Turrets: Turrets do not overheat – Unlocked via the Tank Buster achievement
Free Upgrade: Upgrades at the safehouse are free – Unlocked via the Freedom Fighter achievement
Max Morale: Max morale in all sectors – Unlocked via the Don’t Tread on Me achievement
Max Technology: EDF/Guerilla/Marauder always have best armor and weapons – Unlocked via the Red Dawn achievement
No Green Alert – Unlocked via the One Man Army achievement
Super Debris: All explosive damage and damage from collisions is tripled – Unlocked via the Coming Down achievement
Super Hammer: Makes your sledgehammer super strong – Unlocked via the Best Friends Forever achievement
Super Sprinting: Player runs at 1.5x normal speed while sprinting – Unlocked via the Working The Land achievment
Unlimited Ammo: Infinite ammo for all weapons – Unlocked via the Freed Space achievement
oh and uh,,, sorry about the novel I just posted…
The demo for this game sucked…so does the actual game
I know what you mean about trying to find time to play everything. I got this, Sacred 2 and inFamous and it’s impossible to give each one the attention it deserves. I’ve just completed the main story in Red Faction and, like yourself, I didn’t go for any specific trophies and ignored the collectibles. But when you complete the main story the game doesn’t end. Instead you’re given free reign of the entire map and all of the Guerrilla actions that you haven’t done re-appear. This means you can go around gathering whatever you like without starting another playthrough. It bumps up the EDF difficulty but nothing else changes.
Thanks for the info on the cheat codes. I didn’t even know they were there.
Ha Ha – are you on the correct forum? I’m pretty sure the forum for useless comments is on the other side of the internet… you should go get lost over there.
I773D33MABL3 – I got that cheat code info straight from gamefaqs… I haven’t actually confirmed them all, but I unlocked a few, so it appears correct. I just wanna try that triple explosion debris code, looks fun!
lol at ha ha
the High and mighty trophy isnt working for me. Iv now killed 4 flyers with remote charges and no trophy.
SO sad about this noone else seems to be having this trouble
the game is amazing but the high and mighty trophy is getting on my nerves as i cant do it and its the only one ive not done =[ my psn account-lewisbee
im getting red faction gueerrlla π
Finally got round to playing the demo, and I want the game! Trophies look pretty easy, just take a long time to get some of them
the high and migthy trophy has to be done on line as in stick a remote charge to someone and set it of while their flying
God damn it. I’m at 103th action, only need one more -_-
Done the house arrests like 3 times each and the Jenkins mission. anyone know where the last one could be? Seriously need help. Add on PSN if you can. PSN = Burcol
Thanks π
P.S If you help me, i’ll help you get the “High and Mighty” trophie.
just to let you guys know, im starting a small business in which i charge a small fee to earn a platinum for you. want more info? this is my email. [email protected]
To obiloww:-
No one is gonna use your shitty service. That just defeats the point of actually earning trophies.
what if your not good enough to get a platinum how many of your own do you have, if you can’t get it then it’s a rip-off and not only that i personally only trust a select few of actual friends i know in person with my account details. good luck with that though.
@obiloww: good luck with your business, but i dont see any logical human being, paying another to get his trophies? but maybe it’s a ‘status-thing’. It’s like paying Cristiano Ronaldo, let him score goals and having your name on the list of topscorers.
@ anyone
I think gonna buy this one. Are the online trophies reasonable to get ? π
Greetings Serge (from Holland)
miiiitch add REPONAT0R to friends i need ur help to get the trophy stick a mine to someone and blow it up while they’re in mid-flight (jetpack) PLEASE!
hi i need help with the high and mighty trophy ill send u a request.
add REPONAT0R and ill try and help u and u can try and help me.
the online is fun, and I like this game a lot. A few of the trophies are pretty hard and time consuming, but don’t let that stop you from enjoying this great game
the sad thing is that people might just pay him for that,,, I remember when people used to sell Diablo 2 items and accounts on e-bay! I thought that was pretty rediculous, but it worked. I used to know a guy who would play city of heroes (or something like that, it was MMORPG) and sell the accounts, he paid his rent through college by doing that!
You cancles the friend request, so no.
This game is off the the chain, if you haven’t played it yet do so allready, with the new add pk now for download its even better, i’ve played all the red factions games & this is up with the first game. maybe better.
Destory all EDF!I love this game!
Like BigWoopMagazine mentionned, the collectibles in this game are very time consuming but can always be collected after the completion of the main story… same goes with the DLC Demons of the Badlands which btw, is an excellent addition to the Red Faction Universe! I hope they’ll be more storyline driven DLC like that in games… the freakin’ map packs I can’t really give a sweet rat’s ass…
Overall, I’m very satisfied with this game and for the online trophies, I’d like to acquire them with helpful-trustworthy people…
I’m pretty close to getting all trophies, including DLC, but i completely fail at transporter pro times π
Agreed, I have only 2 pro times in Transporter.
@BigWoopMagazine use this link.
its an xbox map but the site always helps me cause you can check off what u get everytime. great for all games. –
btw im ps3 and xbox360. both similar but ps3 is better gameplay and xbox allows u to talk to ur friends at all times even when playing different games. pretty handy actually. ps3 is better tho. more fun 4 some reason.
Woot! Transporter is a real pain in the ass. I thought the explosives trophy would be hard but I even got those Oasis pro times after only a few ties. Hahahha. I managed to drop the smokestack in I think, 7 seconds or less by exploding the barrel in mid-air at the gantry level, too funny. The barrels were a pain but I got lucky and dropped the tower with only two one in 7 seconds.
@Miiiitch add gbowxd ill play
Well, I suppose the challange is in completing the game then playing online with someone who has done the same, shouldn’t be a problem anymore ey? =)
Boost ps3 id danilo_scala