Resident Evil 5 Trophies
Total Trophies: 71This next-generation follow-up to the terrifying series introduces the theme of escape as its core survival instinct. As Chris Redfield, your life is in danger as you strive to complete your most dangerous mission yet in a sweltering desert colony where a new breed of evil has been unleashed.
RESIDENT EVIL 5 Platinum Trophy
Congratulations! You’ve overcome all your fears in RESIDENT EVIL 5!
Completed Chapter 1 – 1
Complete Chapter 1 – 1 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 1 – 2
Complete Chapter 1 – 2 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 2 – 1
Complete Chapter 2 – 1 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 2 – 2
Complete Chapter 2 – 2 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 2 – 3
Complete Chapter 2 – 3 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 3 – 1
Complete Chapter 3 – 1 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 3 – 2
Complete Chapter 3 – 2 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 3 – 3
Complete Chapter 3 – 3 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 4 – 1
Complete Chapter 4 – 1 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 4 – 2
Complete Chapter 4 – 2 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 5 – 1
Complete Chapter 5 – 1 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 5 – 2
Complete Chapter 5 – 2 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 5 – 3
Complete Chapter 5 – 3 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 6 – 1
Complete Chapter 6 – 1 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 6 – 2
Complete Chapter 6 – 2 on any difficulty setting.
Completed Chapter 6 – 3
Complete Chapter 6 – 3 on any difficulty setting.
Complete all chapters on Amateur.
Complete all chapters on Normal.
Complete all chapters on Veteran.
War Hero
Complete all chapters on Professional.
Egg Hunt
Find all 4 types of eggs.
All Dressed Up
Purchase all available alternative costumes in Bonus Features.
Obtain all available weapons.
Take It to the Max
Completely upgrade all weapons.
They Belong in a Museum
Obtain all treasures in the game.
Badge of Honor
Find all the BSAA emblems.
They’re ACTION Figures!
Collect all the figurines.
A Friend in Need
Save partner 10 times when HELP is displayed.
Save partner 10 times when DYING is displayed.
Exploding Heads
Pull off 20 headshots.
A Cut Above
Defeat 5 enemies with the Knife.
Cattle Prod
Defeat 30 enemies with the Stun rod.
Crowd Control
Defeat 30 enemies with the Gatling gun.
Defeat 30 enemies with the Longbow.
Get Physical
Defeat 20 enemies with physical attacks.
The Works
Chain the maximum number of combos together in one go.
Lead Aspirin
Defeat a Majini with a headshot while it’s jumping.
Shoot an enemy Molotov cocktail, dynamite stick, or hand grenade.
Be the Knife
Deflect a bow gun arrow with your knife.
Meat Shower
Defeat 3 Majini with one grenade or proximity bomb.
Go into the Light
Defeat 2 enemies with one flash grenade.
Ride the Lightning
Defeat a Majini using the electric current from a transformer.
Stop, Drop, & Roll
Defeat 3 Majini at once by setting oil canisters on fire.
Baptism by Fire
Defeat 3 Majini at once with a drum or gas tank explosion.
Masters of Removing
Work together to save someone special.
Bad Blood
During the first fight with Wesker, damage him a set number of times.
Drive By
Stop an armored truck by taking out the driver.
Egg on Your Face
Defeat a Majini with a rotten egg.
Heart Stopper
Defeat a certain enemy by stabbing it in the heart.
Who Do You Trust?
Build up a certain level of trust with your partner.
DLC Trophies:
Army of One
Win 30 matches in Slayers.
Eye of the Tiger
Win 30 matches in Survivors.
The Team That Slays Together…
Win 30 matches in Team Slayers.
We Will Survive
Win 30 matches in Team Survivors.
Keep the Good Times Rolling
Chain a 20-defeated combo in Slayers.
It Takes Two to Tango
Chain a 40-defeated combo in Team Slayers.
It’s All About the Points
Score at least 40,000 points in Survivors.
There’s no “I” in Team
Score at least 80,000 points in Team Survivors.
Let’s Get This Party Started!
Unlock all selectable characters in Versus.
Bringing the Pain
Defeat 100 players using physical attacks in Versus.
DLC #2 Trophies:
Must’ve got lost
Complete ”Lost in Nightmares” on any difficulty
It’s just a bad dream
Complete ”Lost in Nightmares” with an S rank
Night Terrors
Complete ”Lost in Nightmares” on Professional
Kung Fu Fighting
Inflict a set amount of damage to Wesker in ”Lost in Nightmares.”
Wish Upon a Star
Destroy all 18 of the score stats found throughout ”Lost in Nightmares.”
Complete ”Desperate Escape” on any difficulty settings.
The Great Escape
Complete ”Desperate Escape” with an S rank.
Run the Gauntlet
Complete ‘Desperate Escape” on Professional
Way of the Warrior
Defeat 150 enemies singlehandedly in one playthrough of ”Desperate Escape.”
Shoot the Messenger
Defeat 3 Agitator majini in one playthrough of ”Desperate Escape.”
GOTY will be FFXIII if it isn’t then squareenix have done something majorly wrong.
I got Platinum a long time ago. If anyone needs ANY sort of help, with any trophies, or beating the game at professsional, or beating Ndesu ( Chapter 2-3, hard fight). I can help them no problem. Just add me & I can help you.
PSN: Sly-Creed
alright, so, great game overall. definitely easy, especially the trophies. I only played the first three, and not RE4, but I gotta say I dislike the linearity of the game. I still think the first two were the best, they mixed it up nicely between action and puzzles. where are the puzzles in this one? theres like 5 total, and most are one person hold this or crank that, and then the other person runs over to what opened, and repeats that action… so the game comes down to run, shoot, run, shoot, run… I think it lost some depth in the gameplay by doing that. anyway, I’ll probably try to get the plat eventually, and need a partner, cause yeah the AI does suck. hit me up if ya want – psn ID same as here
oh i guess ID not the same, that comment above is mine, my psn ID is BigWoopMagazine
i need a rottern egg for my final trophie egg hunt can someone plz give me 1 my psn i cuckie message me saying rottern egg and request to add me i will help u with anything in return i have completed it on proffesinal so im good PLZ HELP.
need help with pro story mode. on chapter 3-3 and the ai sucks. PSN= bxgreatwun214 thanks in advance
Finally got platinum. Left the game for about 2 months then decided to go for it, only really hard thing was 2-3 on professional. In my humble opinion this cannott be done without co-op help, which i gratefully accepted.
love this game & got platinum
very easy game 2 plat & it is sooo fun 2 keep playin even wen u do have plat as uve got mercs & versus 2 keep playing 🙂
as 4 the hardest level is prob 6-3 & the easiest is 2-3 on pro but wen u have infinite RL everything can be easy…
i think i actually completed the game on amateur in 2hrs 50mins
i don’t have plat cuz i don’t know how to get some of the trophies
2-3 was the driving one right? Yeah, that took me almost 20 times. Once you get the timing right its not so bad
is this game as hard as the demo it might be cos i am not used to the controls but it was annoyingly hard to get ammo make ammo go in gun then shoot zombie/crazy dude in face repeat.
over all prettygood game might by it rented it over night got 18% of trophies easy trophies plz add my psn Brewster3477
RE5 is great game. I had a blast getting the platinum trophy
Great game.
i got the “trust” trophy by letting shiva get attacked by the little spiders and then knocking them off when she called out 4 help with the circle command. I didnt know about item giving and thanks and friendship ratings and i dont know how many i knocked off. was low on ammo so thought it was a good idea. and i think they were spiders or maybe they were roaches…
And as for retro, i played every RE game. i still argue RE3 was my favorite. That game had the first context action sequence called a “Dodge Button”!!!. Veronica and RE2 need to be HD Remixed!!! im still wishing for an entire Collection to be crafted on the PS3. ha! imagine the entire thing in one triple BlueRay disc set with RE5 Looks and crossover game mechanics! yeah right… RE1 is dlc now. (wow, im old son, lol )
And (off topic?) isnt the name above the date of ur post identical to ur PSN name? i always wondered y tell people “add me if u want help, my PSN name is…” if ur names on the post and obviously if this great ass site is a common stomping ground for trophy hunters alike, help is just a msg away. maybe the site should give u the option of adding that line to ur posting automatically. really if u cant get the trophy yourself… then thats ur game.
this game is well good, but i just cant get past jill on chapter 5-3 professional please someone help!
psn: henry656
Just to let you all know the boss on 2-3 professional can be beat solo. I just did it, Ndesu has a pattern and you just need to memorize it. For instance when he raises both hands up for hammer punch you know dynamite manjini is coming out on left. All his attacks are predictable, after a while you can defeat him without him ever touching you, though you might take an arrow or 2 from manjini. Easiest pattern is the one Ndesu starts with two stomps, but not the punch then overhead hammer strike. Good luck!
As far as 5-3 fight with Wesker and Jill on professional, you need to go to the door on right first to enter cutscene and after cutscene go upstairs and hide in side rooms. Dont let Sheva leave you as she will die because you wont be close enough to save her. You have to keep her close by saying “come on” over and over. she will keep trying to go her own way , but call her back. this should help, when fighting Jill after Wesker leaves, make sure when she starts to fire her gun you hide behind pillars. hope this helps
which level is best to collect gold as i need to upgrade quite a bit ! Nearly done veteran .
i would say the marshlands tbh, thats if u know where all the treasure is ofcourse!
thanks for help finally got that platinum im level 5 30ish percent 140 trophies 1 platinum lol ye beat that!!! haha sh*t but owell happy to help if anyone needs it or u can add me to see my amazing trophy collection XD psn: henry656
Alright i need one trophy for my second platinum, i need the beat the game on professional, i got all the weapons unlimited and stuff but i just cant beat the game by myself, so i need someone who is good to help me out. pleasee helpppp (send friend request and just let me know you wanna ball it up in Resident Evil 5) thanks in advanceee!!!!
psn: Snyda
level 7, 40%
I just need help with 2-3, any would be greatly appreciated. ill give you all my guns and stuff if you help me beat it
nevermind, PLAT!!
my second….
next, uncharted
Lokking for help to do DLC trophies and me DMCry- and leave msg saying that is for RES 5
i downloaded the demo and im wondering if the whole game is gonna have the same slow shooting and movement….
i wasnt pleased with the demo and i love RE..are the controls easier then the demo?
If anyone needs help getting trophies just message me ill be glad to help Psn newdragoon (Level 12)
omg this is so annoying i had a platinum on this until my account and evrything on my ps3 got deleted thanks to my brother, by the way this is henry656 but my new account 😀
owel lol ill have all the fun of getting it again yay…
psn: h_hnvt
Please if any body wants to help me get trophies add me
PSN: scottalfiecaz
Guys, how the f**k to kill the giant spider? What to do?
I’m stuck on the veteran solo with the spider in 5-1 or about it ((
Thanks to ESP27, i’ve passed this 5-1 ugly spider ))
I can help, just add me and say need res5 help. no problem.
well what trophys do you need my psn id is shanemarksmith add me i will help
can someone with like infinite everything help me go through story again im on normal but got like 3 missions left on that difficulty, i just wanna get my plat back lol
psn: h_hnvt
Looking for someone just to get the versus trophies. my id is faetinho
got my platinum a few months ago
the most difficult mission in professional mode was the savanna
can some 1 please invite me to a game on pro so i don’t have to do it on vet i can’t b arsed lol and if any1 wants to help me do it on pro i’d like it! am 26 from liverpool england
ooops btw my psn is frankygmg
surely you wont help them unless they have finished he game shane lol
heres a no brainer if anyone has trouble with the bosses on the harder levels run through it on easy now u have an infinite rocket launcher won’t help on 2-3. as for the spider take frag grenades and when he’s down at your feet u can put them in his mouth.
Need the treasure trophy and trust your partner one.
450000 top mercenaries score
add me same name as tag
A great game but the add-ons really suck
How do I look at all the trophies I have earned? I can’t find them anywhere and I know I have a bunch!?!? Anyone help??
Any suggestions, I have all the weapons for ‘stockpile’, but havent got the troph. I’ve upgraded all weapons and bought all the new weapons, have all grenades, stun rod and mine. Do I have to move them all down into my inventory?
thanks- Nomesayin
how hard is this game on the hardest difficulty
ps3 meny yes – before you start the game you can check all the trophies you got on all the games. you can also check it anytime while playing by pressing the ps3 logo button on the controller 😉
as long as you got the ammo it’s not so hard 😎
i have platinum lol. i love this game its cool as and the boss battle at the end is just pure awesome
I would Like a Partner for getting the plat for this game my Id is: macm
have you got every type of ammo for the grenade launcher?
psn: h_hnvt