Terminator Salvation Trophies
Following up on the blockbuster film series, Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins focuses on the exploits of now 30-year-old John Connor in a world on the road to the extinction of humanity.
Collect all other Trophies
L.A. 2016
Complete Chapter 1 – L.A. 2016 on any difficulty
Thank Heaven
Complete Chapter 2 – Thank Heaven on any difficulty
New Acquaintances
Complete Chapter 3 – New Acquaintances on any difficulty
The Sights
Complete Chapter 4 – The Sights on any difficulty
Complete Chapter 5 – Underground on any difficulty
Into the Wild
Complete Chapter 6 – Into the Wild any difficulty
Complete Chapter 7 – Angie on any difficulty
Every life is sacred
Complete Chapter 8 – Every life is sacred on any difficulty
For the Resistance
Complete Chapter 9 – For the Resistance on any difficulty
Seasoned Commander
Complete the Game – Become a commander on Medium difficulty
Veteran Commander
Complete the Game -Become a commander on Hard difficulty
If they are dumb enough to create trophies like these. Think how will be the game…
looks like just another shooter to me, with the terminator tag line…. I’m getting sick of these rehashes with the same formula over and over again. They really do have some opportunity to do some unique things here too, but the movie license will probably hold them back. for example, john conner was a smart dude with hacking skills… so.. lets hack some robots and turn them to our side… I see, a neat hacking mini game, followed by nifty vehicle/ robot control, with a lil kimikaze style strategery goin’ on… etc. too much to ask?
altho, to follow up, I guess bioshock did that, so maybe thats not so unique. but you get what I’m saying, bioshock had unique elements like that and its what made it so great
nice collection of trophies
the game is a Third Person Shooter a bit similar to Eat Lead’s gameplay which i hated..but i maybe wrong..might try it the demo if there is ever going to be one
I couldn’t agree with your any more. The same thing happens with Achievements on the 360. Some people want to brag about their level or something. I guess they have to compensate for inadequacies in other areas, if you get my meaning.
i get you lol. I collect trophies but i am not mental over them like some people they by crap games just for trophies what a waste of time and money just stick to the game not the extras
This game looks great and there are 11 golds, who cares if its dead easy. dont judge the game by its trophies
They might of made the trophies like that to make it so every “TROPHY WHORE” will buy it
dam right BC_42, the game is under 4 hours long, how bad is that!!
Platinum’d this today. Too easy. 44 Platinums now. Damn, I’m so epic. No one can surpass my greatness on the PS3. When those trophy leaderboards come out, I will be #1. You guys are all pathetic, I’m the #1 trophy master!
easy guys, 11 golds and the Plat? That smells like Age Of Booty, anyone?
Ha Ha King of all games is at it again.
How about you actually contribute something to this board.
Can you play it through on hard to begin with? Is it difficult? Would it be more fun to play through on a lower difficulty?
i got his game today for $10, and its pretty decent.
I’m on medium difficulty, and its very easy. The first chapter is done in like 5 min…. but i only got to the end of chapter 2, then i went to eat… i love food.
kingofallgays get a life loser because nobody here likes you, your a waste of time and contribute nothing to this site except your smarta$$ remarks to give your ego a boost i really hope you don’t post on this site anymore as i will always be here to bring you back down to earth you w@nker.
sorry about that post admin but this guy needs to be shut up for good as i’m sure you didn’t create this site for idiots like him. please don’t delete this comment as i would like to make an example of him.
back on topic if anyone could tell me what this is like just message me on my ps3 my id is same as above, i love terminator but i’m a little skeptical as to whether this is worth my time or not.
thanks guys
Kingofallshame,and here i thought you were only a trophy whore gamer who cared only about getting trophies but you showed your true arrogant egomaniac self…congrats,you are not only the #1 a**hole in PSN but in the world.
as for the game..like the reviews said,it’s super easy with 11 golds and a plat..
I don’t like these easy-to-get trophies, especially when they’re all gold. It’s totally unfair if you compare to other games like WipEout, Dead Space, etc in which you HAVE to be really good to get all the trophies.
I think gold trophies should always be difficult, to be achieved with some effort. When any casual player can get the gold and platinum, something must be wrong.
Unfortunately many trophies turned out to be only a marketing strategy that many game producers are using to improve their sales. Sony should create a criteria to define the trophies value.
There are some parts that are hard . I had trouble at the end of the third level where you take on the terminators in the building.
Can you play this through on easy and then just do the last level on hard for the trophy?
I think this game looks pretty cool after watching some videos on it. So what if it’s mindless shooting, sometimes that’s good in a game. And who cares if all the trophies are gold, maybe some developers just don’t care about having to go to all the trouble of making trophies where you have to find 1200 pieces of metal in the game or some shit. I’m sure we will see this kind of trophy list more and more as all games now have to have trophies. It doesn’t really matter what kind of trophy it is as they all add up to the same total anyways so who cares??
And quick comment about Kingofallgames from above. I totally agree with Miiiitch. I had no idea how big of a loser you were. I’ve heard stories about how many trophies you had but that is really sad to hear you have that many. And that your ego is so inflamed over it is even worse. Why don’t you get a life/job/education/girlfriend/friends and relax the game playing for a while. When these boards come up no one is going to care, or be impressed for that matter, how many trophies you have.
LOL. These trophies are bad.
Trophies are supposed to make you get the full experience out of a game. Think of LittleBigPlanet – it’s trophies get you to go online, complete the single player mode, publish a level, etc.
I would buy this game, but only for £10, because I think that’s all I’m going to get out of it.
Easy Platinum and 11 golds, not bad for collectors, but not great for people who want a long game.
there is a mistake with this 11 golds 1 plat nothing else??????????
This game is below average. In the first few hours of play I’ve already had an enemy glitch out in a wall and the game freeze 2x. The game also cuts to a loading screen far to often. There is a cool terminator face that you can look at while loading but this gets old very quickly.
The really sucky part is that the save points are put in annoying spots in the game. For example I died and after 20 seconds of loading it took me back to just before a cutscene. I was forced to then wait for this to load and then i skipped it. After that was over it went into another cutscene that I couldn’t skip.
The gameplay is pretty choppy as well. Its hard to play this game after playing so many good ones. FYI Sacred 2 is an amazing game but this board still doesn’t have a page for it??????? it just came out a few days ago and has trophies.
Finally, I recommend playing this on easy or medium so that you can enjoy the story and not have to repeat yourself as much. At the end i’m going to try to ‘continue game’ and then choose hard. Hopefully this works. I’ll keep you informed.
Thick – So you have to playthrough once to unlock HARD?…I doubt I’d play a crap game twice just to unlock a PLAT (maybe once on easy for all the GOLDS)….We had 5 hrs in to PLAT HM, but that was just a beer fest w/friends.
i just rented this game as well and i’m experiencing many of the same things as thickbrow. the game has frozen on me 3 times so far: twice when i reached a 2nd or 3rd checkpoint in the first level, died, and waited for it to reload but it froze, and another time when i tried to quit and return to the main menu.
i was also thinking about trying to continue at “hard” when i get to the last level. if you get there before me thickbrow please let us know if that works.
the gameplay is very repetitive. aside from some nice foliage and cool looking terminators in the load screen and main menu there is not much to the game. you fight the same 4 enemies over and over. and the spiders are a pain in the ass because you can only kill them from behind, so you’re constantly flanking and performing the same tactic. definitely just a rental to get some golds and possibly a platinum. i hope the movie is better than the game!
and no, you can pick hard right from the start, you don’t have to beat the game first
This is a retail game, but should been a downloadable game. Alot of Gold in this one. I would only want to rent it, but i cant. Dont see any rental stores around here.
Damn this game freezes alot. Fun game when its working fine. Kine of easy even on hard. Easy to get trophies.
can’t say I’m surprised by your comments on this one… saw that coming from a mile away when I first saw the trophy list. I think it doesn’t really matter if they’re all golds tho, any player comparing themselves to another should be able to tell which trophies took skill to get and which ones just required a waste of time.
does anyone know yet if you can just beat the last level on hard only to unlock the trophy?
ok just beat last level on hard after beating it on medium and it does not unlock the trophy so looks like you have to start from the beginning in hard
This is a Rent game, not a Buy game. It only takes about 2 hours to beat the game, theres only 9 missions, but it is an easy platinum.
I confirm what sleep is saying. I played through the first 3 levels on hard and then exited to the main menu and continued the game on easy until the last level. At that point i continued on Hard till i beat the game but did not receive the platinum
The game is not even worth a second play through. So what if its an ‘easy’ platinum. It would still take 4 hours and that is not worth my time.
I would rather play UFC or Sacred 2…. hey allps3trophies. WHy is there no board for Sacred 2? guys get on the horn and comment about this. I love that game.
Because we don’t have the full trophy list for it. Too many secret ones.
kingofallgames- im pretty impressed actually…. on how SAD YOU ARE!!!! no one cares if u have a couple of trophies big woop but seriously…. get a life
Kingofallgames, I know one trophy you didn’t earn yet…it’s called “life”.
i agree there ment to be fun there is no need to show of if you have a few made up trophies so kingofallgames you should grow up and get a life
oh yea plus is this game worth getting because the film looks good?
this is wot im talkin about EASY PLATINUM comin plus all other trophies r GOLD nice jus too nice 🙂
ye i herd that the level hard is realy hard cuz that would be to easy to get plat by the way killerxx had the plat out of that game week ago and now he nearly got plat out of infaumous
kingofallgames you dont have 44 platinum you liar you have 40 i just looked although thats still quite a lot
just beat it on first playthrough on hard and got all trophies. really wasnt that difficult. glad i rented just for the easy plat.
@ kingofallgames
I heard that you have MANY diff people that work on “your” list… It then seems a bit cheap to brag about it, no? That or you never sleep, but i doubt you could be tired and good… Infact it would make you the ultimate wannabe…
Other than that i would just like to say suck my b*lls, thank you…
My god…. What a sad sad world it is we live in when QueenofallFlames is the epic supergamer of the world. Seriously calm down. I like trophies as much as the next guy (aside from at least two on this board) but seriously… what does it get you? A bloated ego and a bunch of people making fun of you on the internet. Good job. Your fathers must be proud. And if Doc-B is right then what good is gloating? You didn’t earn jack so you’re just an epic fraud.
A quick note to “trophy whore” haters as well: This site is in fact AllPS3Trophies.com. So I’m pretty sure “trophy whores” were invited. Unfortunately or otherwise.
Now about the game: The trophies seem like another halfed-assed attempt by developers to attract sales. I’m pretty sure it’s been working too. I’ll probably at least borrow or rent it.
mad 12 gold i will probly rent it play it all night looks like easy plat
got plat out of terminator it was easy
OMG its true 12golds nd 1 plat
jusr got 11 gold 😛
How long does it take to get the platinum? Probably just worth a rental.
i do not think that kingofgames will be reading this after he posts, though i do think he is a cheat as he has 2 plats for the same game, sega/sonic ultimate collection. its the same game with 2 names, and he has 2 plats
back to topic. i think i may rent this game as i enjoy terminator, but think the game is over priced