The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Trophies
Expanding on the blockbuster prequel videogame in the Riddick franchise, this expanded version brings back the proven gameplay and adds in a number of new features for next-gen consoles.
Get all Trophies.
Medium Security Jail Break
Complete the Escape from Butcher Bay campaign on normal difficulty.
High Security Jail Break
Complete the Escape from Butcher Bay campaign on hard difficulty.
Chain Smoker
Collect all cigarette packages.
Bell Boy
Complete all side missions in Butcher Bay.
Main Frame Hack
Find the Butcher Bay main frame and input your DNA.
Eye Shine
Find Pope Joe and let him perform the eye shine surgery.
Kill Abbott.
Get the opportunity to kill Abbott.
Ring Fight Champion
Beat all competition in the Tower 17 ring.
Control a Riot Guard
Find and control a Riot Guard.
Kill a Heavy Guard
Find and kill a Heavy Guard.
Control a Heavy Guard
Find and control a Heavy Guard.
Kill Rust
Find Rust and kill him.
Master of Athena
Complete the Assault on Dark Athena campaign on normal difficulty.
Champion of Athena
Complete the Assault on Dark Athena campaign on hard difficulty.
Open the Vents
Get a Dark Athena vent tool.
Stealth Master
Get through the Cargo Bay without being noticed.
Control an Alpha Drone
Find and control an Alpha Drone.
Kill an Alpha Drone
Find and kill an Alpha Drone.
Melee Master
Find and beat Iron Lord.
Kill Spinner
Find and kill Spinner.
Find and equip yourself with a pair of Ulaks.
Start a Riot on the Athena.
Control a Mech
Find and control a Mech on the Dark Athena.
Escape the Athena
Find a way out of the Athena.
Master of Drones
Complete the Main Decks using only two drones.
Honest Fighting
Find and kill Jaylor in a fair fist fight.
SCAR gun
Find and equip yourself with a SCAR gun.
Sniper Rifle
Find and equip yourself with a sniper rifle.
Margo’s Locker
Find and open Margo’s Locker.
Miles Letter
Help Miles and transmit his message.
Find and help Gabril.
Bounty Hunter
Collect all bounty cards.
Winner level 1
Win 10 matches.
Winner level 2
Win 100 matches.
Winner level 3
Win 1000 matches.
Basic Weapon Handling level 1
Kill 10 people.
Basic Weapon Handling level 2
Kill 1000 people.
Basic Weapon Handling level 3
Kill 10000 people.
Advanced Weapon Handling
Prove that you can use your weapon under difficult circumstances.
Get a 4 kill long kill streak. Get a double kill. Get the first kill in a match.
Get a 8 kill long kill streak. Get a triple kill. Get the last kill in a match.
Get a 12 kill long kill streak. Get a quadruple kill. Get the first and last kill in a match.
Capture a flag. Capture a powercell. Win a round alone against at least 3 enemies.
Keep on going no matter what.
Never give up.
Sniper Master
They’ll never see it coming.
Explosive Master
Trigger Happy
Don’t stop firing until you are sure you are out of ammo.
Melee Expert
Close and personal.
Ruin someones day.
seems fun..and the complete on difficulty is only hard..might try it out but not a big fan of Riddick
Riddick is awesome. Can’t wait to kick some ass with him and say some one-liners while doing so.
i loved the movie and since is not launched with it there’s a chance to be a great game!
as long as it has a decent story line, and it copying straight from the film then kl 🙂
I would much rather have a “Pitch Black” game.
wats the deal with those last cuple a trophies? it dont tell you how to achieve the trophies only gives 1liners as a suggstion to wat it means. for example “BOOM!” that dusnt really tell me anythin. or sniping master “theyl never see it coming” do U need to kill 1 enemy or 100 enemys? looks like a gd game tho
Get a 12 kill long kill streak. Get a quadruple kill. Get the first and last kill in a match.
lol what’s with this trophy? they make you get a 12 kills streak..they make you kill 4 enemies instantly then they want you to get the first and last kill..that’s insane..
Bronze medal: Win 10 matches
Silver medal: Win 100 matches
Bronze medal: Win 1000 matches
Like that makes sense. This is a weird trophy list.
wow none for completing on easy this for hardcores
Wow, ‘Basic Weapon Handling level 3’, get 10,000 kills. I hope for you guys this isn’t something like ‘Beans Bullets Bandages’ from BFBC, otherwise the platinum is going to be impossible.
this game must mean hard when it says hard, two golds, for completing to levels on hard, on cod5 for completing a level on verteran u only got bronze and tht took the piss doing tht like, lol , but a gold , am dreading what ittll be like, av noticed how u get a bronze for 1000 people and then a silver for 10,000, lol once u get the bronze itll be like nice only 9,000 more to go, , it really depends what the game is like and how many enemies there are .
i right
Get a 12 kill long kill streak. Get a quadruple kill. Get the first and last kill in a match.
Thts sutin like ud see on socom, take it serious and everyhin,
This Game is definetly a Hard Game when it comes to Trophies.
I bought it because i liked the 1st Game a lot, it sure has some rewards for you but the MP Trophies suck because no 1 is online.
WIN 1000 MATCHES??? Is it just me or does that sound even worse then Get 10000 kills? At least with the kills, even if you lose the match your time isn’t totally wasted.
Lets pretend for a sec that a full match is only 8 minutes, plus the time to find one and join it, and return to the lobby, so we’ll say 10 mins total thats 10000 minutes of play (166 hours) for a BRONZE trophy. Oh yeah, thats also assuming you WIN every match you play!
Word of advice to anyone who gets this platinum: If you had a Job you could’ve afforded another game to play. They do make more than one you know
i would clearly stop getting trophies for a week on anyone that can platinum this game
if you win 1000 matches, then you get gold, that list is a mistake. and whoever said that no ones online, do you really think that everyone who is ever gonna play this game brought it in the first 2 days ish? it hasnt even came out in the uk yet, im sure they will fill the empty match spaces up
Win 1000 matches for a gold is still a waste of time though.
win 1000 macthes is a waste of time , unlesssss
u like the game like cod4 , and its briallnt online, dnt no just got it for the story mode but hey if online is gd then i may reaplcae ht with cod4 until cod mw 2 cums out
yeah 1000 matches is way worse than 10000 Kills in resistance 2..unless you there are clan in the online mode of this game that will increase your chances..but still
If anybody platinumed or platinums this game, mad props, holy jesus
😯 If anybody platinumed or platinums this game, mad props, holy jesus!
Well i was right in the End 🙂 Back then i had this even before official US release and i was like “ok im 1 of the first to have it, lets wait till its out in US and UK.” the wait was pointless, there is probably just 1 person online.
@KILLER369 If you get the game, go ingame, and look at the trophies there, it tells you. For example: Sniper master requires: 1 Sniper Headshot kill, 1 sniper rifle long range kill, and 1 sniper rifle hip shot kill.
ok, ive just picked this game up like two days ago, havent been online yet, still reliving the butcher bay game but if anyone is looking for some cannon fodder online then add me and if im on then ill come and join you.
game is well hard to complete
i lovez it tho 🙂
true. do u wanna just join a MP match with me and let me kill u, then i let u kill me untill we both get the trophies for MP? my accout is Whitewolf23
wasup every 1 i was woundering if there was any 1 interesting in a boosting partner if so hit me up bodybags_420 that is my psn id o an plz no imature ppl 🙂
Looks good for me but my cousin said its crap. 2games in 1