Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Trophies
Total Trophies: 53The Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen video game lets gamers step into the shoes of the Autobots or Decepticons, select any available mission and pick from the largest, most diverse range of playable Transformers – each with their own distinct abilities and weaponry.
More Than Meets the Eye
Earn ALL Trophies
Down to Chinatown
Medal in all Autobot Shanghai Missions
West Side
Medal in all Autobot West Coast Missions
Aerialbot Assault
Medal in all Autobot Deep Six Missions
East Side
Medal in all Autobot East Coast Missions
The Dagger’s Tip
Medal in all Autobot Cairo Missions
One Shall Stand
Defeat Megatron – Autobot Campaign
Only a Prime
Defeat The Fallen as Optimus
Now I’ve Seen It All
Unlock all Autobot Unlockables
Power to the People
Purchase all Autobot Upgrades
Awesome Trophy!
Eliminate 250 Decepticons – Autobot Campaign
Do the Math
Acquire 2,000,000 Energon – Autobot Campaign
A True Autobot
Earn Platinum Medals on ALL Autobot Missions
Medal in all Decepticon Shanghai Missions
West Coast For The Win!
Medal in all Decepticon West Coast Missions
Rise of The Fallen
Medal in Decepticon Deep Six Mission
Coast to Coast
Medal in all Decepticon East Coast Missions
Medal in all Decepticon Cairo Missions
One Shall Fall
Defeat Optimus Prime – Decepticon Campaign
Defeat the Fallen as Megatron
Now I’ve Really Seen It All
Unlock all Decepticon Unlockables
Spoils of War
Purchase all Decepticon Upgrades
Bad Boys
Eliminate 350 Autobots – Decepticon Campaign
Break the Bank
Acquire 3,000,000 Energon in Decepticon Campaign
A True Decepticon
Earn Platinum Medals on ALL Decepticon Missions
Platty For The Win!
Earn a Platinum Medal – Either Campaign
Golden Boy
Earn a Gold Medal – Either Campaign
Not Gold Enough
Earn a Silver Medal – Either Campaign
Cast in Bronze
Earn a Bronze Medal – Either Campaign
On the Board
Make it into the Top 100000 on SP Leaderboards – Either Campaign
Good Mojo
Make it into the Top 10000 on SP Leaderboards – Either Campaign
Make it into the Top 1000 on SP Leaderboards – Either Campaign
And So It Begins…
Unlock a Single Unlockable – Either Campaign
Grind On
Purchase an Upgrade – Either Campaign
Unlock a New Zone – Either Campaign
You’ve got the Touch
Fill OVERDRIVE Meter – Either Campaign
The Living Dead
Viral – Kill someone with Viral Trophy, then taunt them in a RANKED/PLAYER MATCH game
Choose a Side
Win one RANKED/PLAYER MATCH game as Autobots and one as Decepticons
Win a Control Point round without losing a Control Point in a RANKED/PLAYER MATCH game
Follow the Leader
While playing One Shall Stand, as the leader, kill the opposing leader in a RANKED/PLAYER MATCH game
Life of the Party
Host one game of each game type in a PLAYER MATCH game
Smells Like Victory
Win a match as each of the 15 default characters
DLC Trophies
The Autobot Run
Complete the Autobot Campaign on expert with a 75% completion
Megatrons Massive Plan
Complete the Decepticon Campaign on expert with a 75% completion
Quest for Survival
Win a on each new map.
Ultimate Weapon
Defeat G1 Megatron using G1 Optimus (MP Only)
Prime Target
Defeat G1 Optimus using G1 Megatron (MP Only)
Jazz Hands
Kill Movie Megatron with Movie Jazz using melee (MP Only)
Soundwave Superior
Soundwave defeats Long Haul (MP Only)
Sideswiped defeats Sideways (MP Only)
Everyone has a weakness
Defeat G1 Megatron with G1 Starscream (MP Only)
well…. at least 5 golds….always a good start 😀
is this game out
no not yet i think tomorrow but i looks good but not going to get it waiting for batman
@dcblue08 – it comes out tomorrow
hopefully this game is a lot better than the first one
oh man..if you want to be in the Top 1000 in the SP Leaderboards you must get this game immediately or you would have a hard time getting that.I just hope that the SP Leaderboards is weekly like the one in Killzone 2 and maybe ill get this game.
today im getting this game member watch the review to see if you like it i think its awesome iny one know why the trophie defeat megatron is a bronze well at least 5 golds is awesome.
I bought this last night before I went to see the movie. Threw it in when I got home and played for maybe 30 minutes and I got all the SP Leaderboard trophies plus a few other ones. The game is fun, graphics are better than the first one and once you get the hang of the controls (they are pretty damn weird) it’s not too bad at all. I can’t wait to try out the multiplayer.
I just bougt this. :]
Wow hehe, got the top 1k gold trophy.
No worries anymore about that. Woot.
Just bought it
Transformers Multiplayer is a bit hard at the moment. Hardly anyone on it, but add MaxDiehard to your PS3 friends list and i’ll be happy to play online with you.
got it first day complete it first day easy as 1 2 3
y bother trying u can complete without trying
The trophies are a pain in the ass. Platinum Medal on every stage & all Unlockables? some are too hard.
This trophy is so good though. Multiplayer is fun too. 😀
Add me For Multiplayer PSN: Yo_Venom_Yo
good game just got it, the leaderboard trophies are kind of a joke seeing as how they pertain to each individual mission making it way to easy to get
yeah i know what you mean, i got all 3 of those after the 1st mission. does anyone know what those 2 secret trophies are?
hey has anyone got “the living dead” trophy yet cause im stuck on it. you have to taunt the player you killed that has the viral trophy. i dont no how to taunt people online if anyone can help me i wud appreciate it
to taunt you have to press “left” on the d-pad while you are standing near the player that you killed that has the viral trophy. I haven’t gotten it yet but that’s how you do it. I’ll hopefully have it tonight, if I get it I’ll post in here and pass it along.
Thanks for getting the 2 secret trophies admin:)
Man this is a pretty good game only need all plats in both and the living dead one i got it for a while add me on psn Drakengarn
I got the living dead trophy last night. I’ll be out of town until the 6th but when I get back I’ll post back and see if anyone still needs help with it.
No problem Mitch. ^_^
Yeah it was me that send em to the admin…
this game is so damn cool… Never expected that.
can someone anyone help me with the living dead trophy i will pass it on i promise
I need help too on living dead trophy somebody help plz?
I just got back from watching the movie. Lots of great action but a little to much gangsta talk from those robots and lots of women in ‘loose’ clothing at the university. I of course liked all the hot girls and the sex scenes but I went with a friend and her kids and I didn’t feel the 14a rating was appropriate. should have been 18a.
As for this game.. I refused to get any movie/game after playing the shit terminator game.
Haha I got the bonecrusher trophy like 5 min after playing the game, probably because i got it like the day it came out lol. Can anyone tell me how to get the Living Dead Trophy? PSN – Tylermc515
do using the cheats disable the trophies ?
because i juast cant get the platinum medals
never mind
anybody with a guide for platinum medals only need a few more and just cant get them
how difficult are the platinum medals for the missions?
incredibly hard
anyone want to get together for online trophies ?
damn i hate it when you have to get medals like that for timed/scored things and they are really difficult. the challenge can be fun but often its just a pain in the ass
iv done the autobots platinums which are easier
tryn a few online trophies but making no progress
Still need help getting the living dead one. What is it the person has to have that you kill?
add adam-ell-rfc and il play online wae u
@Bro Jet, you have to have killed and taunted someone that already has the trophy to get living dead. I’ll be on here in a few minutes and will be playing for a few hours. If you need the trophy add me and put living dead trophy help in the message or something and I’ll send you a Deathmatch invite, this goes for anyone who still needs it. PSN: lunchbox10
Just got the plat so I won’t be helping any more people with The Living Dead trophy
Anyone want to do the MP trophies? I can pass on the viral one, I just need to host online matches. PSN: Chowbacca
Anyone can help me get ”Smells like Victory” and ”Living Dead” trophies? And how do I Taunt?
PSN: HiryuMK
come on please someone add me and please help with online trophies thats all i need for the platinum and i try to search a game online and no one absolutely no ones online please help my PSN: scott5150
You taunt by pressing left on the d pad when you are standing close to the dead body of the person that has the virus. You can’t stand too close or their body will blow up too quickly
Do you get to be the twins? 😉
i got all autobot’s unlockable’s apart from the 1 where you are powered up optimus and u gotta eliminate 5 enimeis wit secondary fire, i must of killed 20 now by doing this can any one help me plz:(?
I have all i help all write yout id here i wirte you back and help with the living dead trohpy i helped kdrcraig too!!! 😉
I just got the platinum trophy on this it was my 12th (Psn) newdragoon Level 12
You have to weaken the enemy first and then shoot the charged shot in front of them so the actual shockwave kills them
Do U mean Batman Arkham Asylum… cause’ thaat game looks good