Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Trophies
Total Trophies: 71Uncharted 2: Among Thieves allows players to take control of Drake and embark on a journey that will push him to his physical, emotional and intellectual limits to discover the real truth behind the lost fleet of Marco Polo and the legendary Himalayan valley of Shambhala.
First Treasure
Find one treasure
Apprentice Fortune Hunter
Find ten treasures
Novice Fortune Hunter
Find 20 treasures
Cadet Fortune Hunter
Find 30 treasures
Intermediate Fortune Hunter
Find 40 treasures
Practiced Fortune Hunter
Find 50 treasures
Proficient Fortune Hunter
Find 60 treasures
Professional Fortune Hunter
Find 70 treasures
Expert Fortune Hunter
Find 80 treasures
Crack Fortune Hunter
Find 90 treasures
Master Fortune Hunter
Find all 100 treasures
Relic Finder
Find the Strange Relic
Defeat 75 enemies in a row without dying
20 Headshots
Defeat 20 enemies with headshots
100 Headshots
Defeat 100 enemies with headshots
250 Headshots
Defeat 250 enemies with headshots
Headshot Expert
Defeat five enemies in a row with headshots
Defeat 20 enemies by shooting from the hip (without aiming with L1)
Defeat 20 enemies with gunfire by aiming while hanging
50 Kills: 92FS – 9mm
Defeat 50 enemies with the 92FS – 9mm
50 Kills: Micro – 9mm
Defeat 50 enemies with the Micro – 9mm
30 Kills: Wes – 44
Defeat 30 enemies with the Wes – 44
30 Kills: Desert – 5
Defeat 30 enemies with the Desert – 5
20 Kills: Pistole
Defeat 20 enemies with the Pistole
70 Kills: FAL
Defeat 70 enemies with the FAL
70 Kills: M4
Defeat 70 enemies with the M4
50 Kills: Dragon Sniper
Defeat 50 enemies with the Dragon Sniper
30 Kills: Moss – 12
Defeat 30 enemies with the Moss – 12
70 Kills: SAS – 12
Defeat 70 enemies with the SAS – 12
50 Kills: M32 – Hammer
Defeat 50 enemies with the M32 – Hammer
30 Kills: RPG – 7
Defeat 30 enemies with the RPG – 7
200 Kills: GAU – 19
Defeat 200 enemies with the GAU – 19
30 Kills: Mk-NDI
Defeat 30 enemies with the Mk-NDI
Triple Dyno-Might
Defeat three enemies with one explosion
Grenade Hangman
Defeat ten enemies with grenades by aiming while hanging
Bare-knuckle Brawler
Defeat 20 enemies with hand-to-hand combat
Bare-knuckle Slugger
Defeat 50 enemies with hand-to-hand combat
Bare-knuckle Expert
Defeat ten enemies in a row with hand-to-hand combat
Master Ninja
Defeat 50 enemies with stealth attacks
Steel Fist Master
Defeat 20 enemies with a single punch, after softening them up with gunfire
Steel Fist Expert
Defeat ten enemies in a row with a single punch, after softening them up with gunfire
Charted! – Easy
Finish the game in Easy Mode
Charted! – Normal
Finish the game in Normal Mode
Charted! – Hard
Finish the game in Hard Mode
Charted! – Crushing
Finish the game in Crushing Mode
Complete one Competitive Multiplayer game
Buddy System
Complete one Cooperative Multiplayer game
DLC Trophies:
Get 50 Stealth Kills in Deathmatch or Elimination games
Brass Knuckles
Get 100 Melee Kills in Deathmatch or Elimination games
Tastes Like Chicken
Get 20 BBQ Medals in Deathmatch or Elimination games
Rapid Fire
Get 7 Tripled Medals in Deathmatch or Elimination games
I Told You I Was Hardcore!
Complete All 3 Co-op Objective Maps on Hard Difficulty
Made It
Finish Wave 10 in one Survival Game
Gold Digger
Finish Wave 10 in one Gold Rush Game
Wipe Them Out…
Win 50 Deathmatch Games
Plays Well With Others
Win 50 Objective Games
Still Alive
Win 50 Elimination Games
Get 200 Captured Medals
Cold Blooded
Get 2,500 Kills in Deathmatch or Elimination games
Siege Pack DLC Trophies:
You Can’t Break Me
Complete all 3 co-op objective maps on Crushing
Under Siege
Finish Wave 10 in 1 Siege game
Get 10 First! Medals
I’ll Cover You
Get 50 Defender Medals
Fallen Angel
Get 50 Afterlife Medals
Not So Fast
Get 20 Shut’em Down Medals
Jack of All Trades
Get 15 Triple Threat Medals
You Run, I’ll Shoot
Get 10 Protectorate Medals
Back At Ya
Get 50 Retaliation Medals
Kneel Before Z…
Get 5 Put-em Down Medals
Rock a Rhyme
Get 100 Tricky Medals
Shut the f*** up, know1 !!! wants to hear what you have 2 say.
new update 1.05 i got 2 free maps and 11 trophies to get online cool
Yeah, I just got that as well. I haven’t played online yet though but I noticed the trophies.
i wish games would stop releasing ADD ONs pisses me off
new trophies yay
lol you have to buy it
it’s out on 25/2/10 new skins and map pack
if they release add ons they should be free
On the PS3 it actually says “Get 50 Stealth Kills in Deathmatch of Elimination games” for Sneaky. It’s a trophy typo. 😀
no it will cost 8$$$$$$ the maps and skins
Are the trophies tied to the DLC? That’s dumb if they are. 😛
they are
another great game ruined by unwanted add ons and online trophies
No its really not because yous still get platinum without all online trophies so really it just gives you something to aim for
ye ur 100% right
sorry if someones already asked this, but can i get the trophies without buying the DLC, or are the trophies only available with the map pack?
yeah i got platinum ages ago im meaning im going for 100% on every game i play and games keep releseing add ons witch are not worth anymore than £1 witch means i have to go bak to games i completed ages ago and get trophies and most of the games iv rented so i need to rerent them to do the add ons
ye but will get them as u buy the dlc 2
ah cool, so the trophies are free, but the maps arnt? sounds fair 🙂
no you have to buy maps to get trophies
but u can have new skins and maps for 8.00$ so quite cheap
my 6th plat awesome
It sucks when they add trophies for things that have been available all along, but you have to buy DLC to unlock them. What I mean by that is you could always go online and play Deathmatches and get kills, but there were never trophies. I think when companies release DLC trophies, they should actually have to do with the DLC being released. It’s like releasing a few maps for any other game and adding a trophy where you have to go back into the normal game and get 300 kills with a new weapon or something. The DLC trophies should be DLC related. 😛
Anyway, I might buy this eventually. I just got the platinum on this game and it’s good, but I don’t feel like buying the DLC just yet. I am not a big online gaming person.
ye but i think it’s good idea for people who play online
I decided to start with the Elimination games. I have 36/50 completed now.
I got a tripled medal today aswel but it was in Plunder so it doesn’t count – GUTTED!
ye i started of elimination games is well but i got 43
BEST GAMES EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rented this weekend, took 3 days to PLAT. Crushing was not as hard as the 1st Uncharted. The train boss & snow monster was a minor pain, the end boss would be impossible if it weren’t for the MELEE method which then you can beat him on the 1st try. (Google it if you need info).
Anyone that wants to play co-op objective on normal add me on psn and put coop or something in the message so I know
PSN: SolidFFrank
Man I love this game!
Hey SolidFFrank, I just got the game today but if you don’t find anyone I’m willing to co-op with you… you can help me get started collecting these trophies.
PSN: PressStart2Play
On Uncharted 2: among thiefs..on the first menu (bonus->store) we can BUY weapons ..for the individual player..How and where can I use this weapons? I dont understand..
If anyone knows the answer please tell me..thanks
On any difficulty that you have already beaten the game, the guns that you have bought for single player can be selected from the in game pause menu and used at any time. Otherwise you have to use the weapons that are laying around during gameplay.
Hi PressStart2Play. I haven’t been online much at all during the past week and may not be online for another little while yet but I’ll add you when I’m next on and if you want to do normal or hard I’ll definitely play co-op with you 🙂
the train part in crushing mode is so darn difficult, that helicopter always makes me wanna give up on crushing mode, lol any advice? mssg or add XxGoDrinkAcidxX thnxx 😉
the train part in crushing mode is so darn difficult, any advice? PSN- XxGoDrinkAcidxX 😉
New Dlc announced finally. Coming out april 22. Some details here.
platinium trophy!!!!!!!!!
btw thx for the page cuz i couldn’t find what are new skins but i knew it’s coming
This game is awsome! Got Platinum. PSN ID: Macthillien 🙂
theres nothing wrong with add-ons .. add-ons r wot make me play a game im bored ov..cant w8 for new dlc
ye add on are good for people how like uncharted 2 i can’t wait is well best game ever
do u have u2 and do u play online 😀 if yes add me
still can’t pass train. >_> any advice?
Finally Passed Crushing Mode.
Add Me For Multiplayer! :3
Easy Plat 😉
Can someone help me with passing co-op on crushing? i also need one mor eon hard. i think it’s the village. Thnx
Does anyone want to boost some of the first DLC’s trophies? if so add me…
PSN: Spudchip
anyone wanna sell me their copy of this game? 🙂
my cousin has this game its good but there a new unchatred 3 drakes depretion.
got this game 2day and i will plat it soon cuz i hve work and wen i get back i’ll plat it can’t wait 2 play it.
1 f**kin sick game just got 2 trophies 4 my plat.