Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Trophies
Total Trophies: 71Uncharted 2: Among Thieves allows players to take control of Drake and embark on a journey that will push him to his physical, emotional and intellectual limits to discover the real truth behind the lost fleet of Marco Polo and the legendary Himalayan valley of Shambhala.
First Treasure
Find one treasure
Apprentice Fortune Hunter
Find ten treasures
Novice Fortune Hunter
Find 20 treasures
Cadet Fortune Hunter
Find 30 treasures
Intermediate Fortune Hunter
Find 40 treasures
Practiced Fortune Hunter
Find 50 treasures
Proficient Fortune Hunter
Find 60 treasures
Professional Fortune Hunter
Find 70 treasures
Expert Fortune Hunter
Find 80 treasures
Crack Fortune Hunter
Find 90 treasures
Master Fortune Hunter
Find all 100 treasures
Relic Finder
Find the Strange Relic
Defeat 75 enemies in a row without dying
20 Headshots
Defeat 20 enemies with headshots
100 Headshots
Defeat 100 enemies with headshots
250 Headshots
Defeat 250 enemies with headshots
Headshot Expert
Defeat five enemies in a row with headshots
Defeat 20 enemies by shooting from the hip (without aiming with L1)
Defeat 20 enemies with gunfire by aiming while hanging
50 Kills: 92FS – 9mm
Defeat 50 enemies with the 92FS – 9mm
50 Kills: Micro – 9mm
Defeat 50 enemies with the Micro – 9mm
30 Kills: Wes – 44
Defeat 30 enemies with the Wes – 44
30 Kills: Desert – 5
Defeat 30 enemies with the Desert – 5
20 Kills: Pistole
Defeat 20 enemies with the Pistole
70 Kills: FAL
Defeat 70 enemies with the FAL
70 Kills: M4
Defeat 70 enemies with the M4
50 Kills: Dragon Sniper
Defeat 50 enemies with the Dragon Sniper
30 Kills: Moss – 12
Defeat 30 enemies with the Moss – 12
70 Kills: SAS – 12
Defeat 70 enemies with the SAS – 12
50 Kills: M32 – Hammer
Defeat 50 enemies with the M32 – Hammer
30 Kills: RPG – 7
Defeat 30 enemies with the RPG – 7
200 Kills: GAU – 19
Defeat 200 enemies with the GAU – 19
30 Kills: Mk-NDI
Defeat 30 enemies with the Mk-NDI
Triple Dyno-Might
Defeat three enemies with one explosion
Grenade Hangman
Defeat ten enemies with grenades by aiming while hanging
Bare-knuckle Brawler
Defeat 20 enemies with hand-to-hand combat
Bare-knuckle Slugger
Defeat 50 enemies with hand-to-hand combat
Bare-knuckle Expert
Defeat ten enemies in a row with hand-to-hand combat
Master Ninja
Defeat 50 enemies with stealth attacks
Steel Fist Master
Defeat 20 enemies with a single punch, after softening them up with gunfire
Steel Fist Expert
Defeat ten enemies in a row with a single punch, after softening them up with gunfire
Charted! – Easy
Finish the game in Easy Mode
Charted! – Normal
Finish the game in Normal Mode
Charted! – Hard
Finish the game in Hard Mode
Charted! – Crushing
Finish the game in Crushing Mode
Complete one Competitive Multiplayer game
Buddy System
Complete one Cooperative Multiplayer game
DLC Trophies:
Get 50 Stealth Kills in Deathmatch or Elimination games
Brass Knuckles
Get 100 Melee Kills in Deathmatch or Elimination games
Tastes Like Chicken
Get 20 BBQ Medals in Deathmatch or Elimination games
Rapid Fire
Get 7 Tripled Medals in Deathmatch or Elimination games
I Told You I Was Hardcore!
Complete All 3 Co-op Objective Maps on Hard Difficulty
Made It
Finish Wave 10 in one Survival Game
Gold Digger
Finish Wave 10 in one Gold Rush Game
Wipe Them Out…
Win 50 Deathmatch Games
Plays Well With Others
Win 50 Objective Games
Still Alive
Win 50 Elimination Games
Get 200 Captured Medals
Cold Blooded
Get 2,500 Kills in Deathmatch or Elimination games
Siege Pack DLC Trophies:
You Can’t Break Me
Complete all 3 co-op objective maps on Crushing
Under Siege
Finish Wave 10 in 1 Siege game
Get 10 First! Medals
I’ll Cover You
Get 50 Defender Medals
Fallen Angel
Get 50 Afterlife Medals
Not So Fast
Get 20 Shut’em Down Medals
Jack of All Trades
Get 15 Triple Threat Medals
You Run, I’ll Shoot
Get 10 Protectorate Medals
Back At Ya
Get 50 Retaliation Medals
Kneel Before Z…
Get 5 Put-em Down Medals
Rock a Rhyme
Get 100 Tricky Medals
ok im in gamebattles clan name deadly viper squad tag DVS if you want in hit me up WesDog93 if you want to challenge us hit up the same gamertag BTW i got platinum 5days after release need proof check my PSN trophy info you get Marco Polo as a reward
hey did you use capturecard or you found where the uploaded videos go
working my way to plat on this great game, i only have 60% of trophies but heck i will do it! finished it on hard, crushing next…..
i just started it on crushing and i find better to use a hand gun then machine guns as it is better to get headshots. But use stealth as much as you can on crushing as sevral hits and u will die. I found hard easy but crushing is insane lol
yea really good game just got platinum, them 101 treasures are time consuming takes a while to find them all.
I got videos from Youtube and is Marco Polo a playable multiplayer charcter?
yea i got him you buy it when you got the platinum trophy
need help gettin steel fist expert trophy how do u do it n wheres the best place 2 do it
level 4 on v easy shoot the white guys once with the normal handgun then punch worked 4 me just skip the guys in black as it some times does not work. hope this helps
ive tried that multiple times darkdragon but it never seems to work
Please tell me; Once you complete the game on hard you can buy the infinite ammo, 1 hit kills etc, if you were to enable these cheats whilst doing crushing would you still get platinum.
no, you have to complete the game on crushing then you can use cheats after. crushing is not to bad not much harder than hard
brewsrter- mae ure you shoot them and it has to be in a row if you miss a shot i dont know if it works
What if you use the weapons that you can buy after completing the game. Can you use these on Crushing. Also if I were to start a new saving for collecting treasures could i enable these cheats. All feedback is appreciated.
There needs to be an Open World treasure hunting game for the PS3, at first we get a detailed map, then as we move on through the game we find more clues…
I completed the game on easy and was able to use the cheats
to use cheats on crushing first beat the level on crushing. if u are starting crushing for the first time you will not be able to use cheats as you got 2 complete it on crushing first. oh and u can use cheats to get plat
You don’t have to beat the level on crushing first to use the tweaks in crushing mode.
Start a new game. Have the difficulty set to crushing.
When in the game. Pause and change the difficulty to hard.
Go into the store and enable whatever you want.
Quit back to the main menu.
Change difficulty back to Crushing.
Go into store and you will notice that you can enable the tweaks that you have bought and enabled before while in hard mode.
This is what I have done and One-Hit one kill and Unlimited ammo are very helpful.
u all r noobs stop gettin trophies with using cheats.dark dragon i have never waited this from u but u r a noob 2.come on wat about finishing on charted without using cheats like me?
just found all 100 treasures bout 2 start game on crushing
punisher, u are a spacka!
@Connor yeah he is as soon as you get platinum you will be able to access him on the multiplayer
i did not use cheats in crushuing it would not let me i died many times and i did not use any cheats at all except when going through the game again looking for treasures.
i never cheat that is for noobs which im NOT even if i could of cheated i would not of as it would of been a waste of time and money buying a game which is not a challenge
i’v done the grenade hangman but it did’nt give me the trophy any help?
So what if people use the cheats? Doesn’t matter. You aren’t proving your manhood by not cheating. Granted, I haven’t used any myself but I do on other games and will in this one if I have to cause it will get me the platinum I desire. It’s about enjoying your experience on the game. It’s just a game :S calm down honey, lol.
darkdragon same opinion buddy.cheats are exactly 4 the noobs.like u said it would been waste of time and money.
only need 2 more trophies til PLATINUM
if you want the steel fist trophy do level 4 on v easy and dont aim with the hand gun just shoot and punch
got plat YEAH!!! 🙂
hey brewster me too mate i got platinum it was my 32nd lol i got alot by the way. and almost modern warfare 2
Got almost all trophies. (I suggest doing those in Very Easy) Just need the “Charted – Easy/Normal/Crushing” ones and the Treasures 😀
you can only use “cheats” on the level difficulty you have completed
Just spamming…
lol sorry
ZuRiliZ u should of automaticaly got the easy and normal trophy if u finished it on hard difficulty
I forgot to say I haven’t done Hard too 😀
and i’ve done the Treasures now 😀
What cheats?
^^ he means when u can have unlimited ammo or change to elena or other characters once you finish the game u can unlock them
i platinumed it like 3 days after the release check it out Newryan21
hey kris_s14, can u still get the trophy for crushing if you use the tweak cheat on uncharted drakes fortune?
The trophies that include killing enemies with diffrent weopens are they able to be aquired through online co-op and or competitive? As well as headshot ones? ❓
First (and so far only…) game I platinumed. Awesome game.
where can u find out where the treasures r??i need those bad plz post a reply
Can you earn the kills with a certain weapon trophies online as well?
Finally platinum! Marco Polo is awesome
you can do the steel fist expert on level five on the part right before Chloe comes and saves you with the rocket launcher. I did it there it was wicked easy
got the platinum – platinum #15. What a great game this is by far the best game i have ever played, This was not a let down like modern warfare 2, i think that is the worst call of duty on ps3
anyone else think that this is there favourite game ?
Platin – No 11 🙂 Yeah