Wheelman Trophies
Total Trophies: 44Combining spectacular Hollywood-style stunts with a gripping storyline, Wheelman provides an adrenaline-fueled, cinematic thrill ride guaranteed to leave you breathless.
Get every Trophy possible.
Venga Venga!
Complete the Mission – Frantic.
Salute from Stavo
Complete the Mission – Finding Family
Respect from Radu
Complete the Mission – Letting Off Steam
Praise from Paulo
Complete the Mission – Stand and Deliver
The Target Revealed
Complete the Mission – Recover The Documents
The Best of the Best
Complete the Mission – Defeat Felipe
Stavo’s Swansong
Defeat Stavo, the boss of the Chulos Canallas
The Spanish Job
Complete the Mission – Getting the Job Done
Leap of faith
Perform an Airjack Successfully
Finish Him!
Perform a Finishing Move on an enemy vehicle
Riding on Rims
Shoot out the tyre of an enemy vehicle
Ready, Aim, Fire!
Kill an enemy vehicle using the Aimed Shot
Spin Spin Shooter
Kill an enemy vehicle using the Cyclone
Speedy and Angry
Achieve ANY rank on ONE Street Showdown side mission
Barcelona Drift
Achieve ANY rank on ALL Street Showdown side missions
Achieve ANY rank on ONE Taxi side mission
The Knowledge
Achieve ANY rank on ALL Taxi side missions
Making a Mess
Achieve ANY rank on ONE Rampage side mission
Anti Social Behaviour Order
Achieve ANY rank on ALL Rampage side missions
Road Warrior
Achieve ANY rank on ONE Contracts side mission
Road Rash
Achieve ANY rank on ALL Contracts side missions
Delivery Boy
Achieve ANY rank on ONE Hot Potato side mission
Man In Brown
Achieve ANY rank on ALL Hot Potato side missions
Made to Order
Achieve ANY rank on ONE Made to Order side mission
Gone In 59 Seconds
Achieve ANY rank on ALL Made to Order side missions
Run, Milo, Run
Achieve ANY rank on ONE Fugitive side mission
Can’t Catch Me!
Achieve ANY rank on ALL Fugitive side missions
Diesel Powered!
Complete ALL side missions with an “A” rank or better
I Live For this Stuff!
Complete ALL side missions with an “S” rank
Jump in My Car
Perform a cinematic stunt jump
Dukes of Barcelona
Perform TWENTY FIVE cinematic stunt jumps
White Men Can Jump
Perform ALL FIFTY cinematic stunt jumps
Art Critic
Destroy ONE cat statue
Cat Hater
Destroy FIFTY cat statues
Wreaking Havok!
Destroy ONE HUNDRED cat statues
Radu’s Requiem
Defeat Radu, the boss of the Romanians
Paulo’s Peace
Defeat Paulo, the boss of the Los Lantos
Is It A Bird?
Use the Airjack FIFTY times
Destroy three vehicles during a single Cyclone or Aimed Shot move
Mission Improbable
Complete a Fugitive side mission on a motorcycle
Mission from God
Survive a five star police response for 5 minutes
Accidental Tourist
Visit every district in Barcelona
A Real Wheelman
Complete the Mission – Get Gallo
Looks GTA-ish with a bit of Driver gameplay..might check this out..
it looks awesome i hope they bring a demo inthe psn store …but if they r not getting a demo ill jus buy the game 🙂
Is this made by Vin Diesel’s company?
The reviews I’ve read about this game haven’t been good 4/10, but for some reason I really want to get it! Trophies seem easy enough, apart from the s rank on all side missions!!
This game is on the psn store its really good and very original the only real down side is when your out of the car the controlls seem stiff and especilly when your shooting
i hope its a good game im going 2 rent it a c how good it is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
psn assassinghost9
thophies look eazy i hope ,i hope it is not hard as mirrors edge
nice list !
the trophies are very easy …
accept when their glitched like mine
i gt the trophie : Road Warrior (all contract side missions)
but i don’t got : Road Rash (one contract side mission)
and more of the trophies are glitched with me …
can someone help ?
am stuck 12 cat status to find any help please psn lesliewilson
go to this link to get the map to all the cat statues
i no its xbox but its the same
Just picked this up at Target for 15usd in their bargain bin. Definitely worth it.
how does this game require 2000mb?
wut is the max 4 a ps3 anyway?
How do you defeat Paulo
@demned – The game loads onto your machine.
@JJ – I just used vechile attack to destroy his car. Its a pain, because of all the other cars around him.
the game is pretty good
I have this game, its good gameplay, however the story is a little bit too hard as its constantly a struggle.
The side-missions are fun and the trophies is the main reason im playing this game, the side missions are also really good fun, along the the rankings and getting you an S your car upgrade or you get some sort of other perk. Overall good game – don’t listen to IGNs reviewer who gives it a really bad review and cant understand its story (the stories as straight forward as it gets, he just needs to pay more attention)
I have this game to. How many hour is this game to beat it and have all trophys ?