WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 Trophies
Total Trophies: 26Get ready the get the smack laid down on you once again with the ‘010 version of WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010. Stepping back into the virtual ring, players will experience unparalleled creation tools, a robust Superstar roster, key franchise improvements and even a few surprises in WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010.
Story Designer
Create an original story using WWE STORY DESIGNER Mode.
Face on the Big Screen
Convert a HIGHLIGHT REEL into an entrance movie.
Check Out the New Threads
A Showman Like No Other
Have a total of 20 or more 5-star rated matches in your overall history.
Mickie James Story
Complete the MICKEY JAMES story in ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA mode.
Edge Story
Complete the EDGE story in ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA mode.
HBK Story
Complete the HBK story in ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA mode.
Orton Story
Complete the ORTON story in ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA mode.
Brand Warfare Story
Complete the BRAND WARFARE story in ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA mode.
Created Superstar Story
Developmental Graduate
Career Growth
Increase the overall rating of a CREATED SUPERSTAR to a 90 or above.
Finisher of the Year Candidate
Create a dive finisher, in Create A Finisher mode, and use it in a match (single player only).
Ask Him Ref!
Win 10 matches by submission (single player only).
Ahead of the Pack
Win as tentative Champion from start to end in CHAMPIONSHIP SCRAMBLE. (single player only).
Shoulders to the Mat
Win 50 matches by pinfall (single player only).
A Grappling Machine
In one match, perform all 16 STRONG GRAPPLE moves on your opponent (single player only).
2010 Hall of Fame Nominee
Induct a Superstar into the HALL OF FAME.
Nothing More to Collect
Unlock all the playable characters and bonus items.
Royal Rumble Specialist
Win a 30-Man ROYAL RUMBLE as the first entrant without changing Superstars (single player only).
And STILL Championโฆ
Defend a Title in a Championship Scramble match on Legend difficulty (single player only).
An Original Design
Create an original image using the PAINT TOOL.
New Superstar Initiative
Intermediate Technician
Succeed at a cumulative total of 50 reversals (single player only).
Technical Wizardry
Succeed at a cumulative total of 100 reversals (single player only).
im struggling to do all of the checklist because i have to keep switching players to do different finishersd and signitures, plus how do you get the computor to jump of the top rope so you can reverse it? i need help please, any quick tips to get this trophy?
put computer on none and use a second control to jump, then reverse it
use 2 player mullerrice
I’m also finding it very difficult to complete the training checklist
need to do spring board attacks on the training checlist tha is the last one i need to do please help me
Does anyone know how to get the one trophy that shows (???)
make a design using the paint tool
please someone tell me how to get and still champion trophy
i have the trophy your talking about for the diving reversal all u have to is do the dive attack yourself then as your getting the reversal tip will show all u do then is it the button as for the running finisher nd signature mikey james has a running signature so go into create move set pick mikey james and switch one of her finishers 2 it easy as for the rest like the stances like prone and all tht the create move set will help you
i have the trophy your talking about for the diving reversal all u have to do is do the diving attack yourself then as your getting up the diving reversal tip will show all u have to do is press the button as for the running finisher nd signature mikey james has a running signature so go to create move set pick mikey james and switch one of her finishers for it as for the stances like prone and all tht sht the create move set will help you there 2
and still champion trophy defend a belt (make the belt holder middle player) in a full lengh scramble match and pin first and keep the belt hope this helps and the hidden trophies are use paint tool CAW and reverse 50 then 100 moves
how do you induct somone into the hall of fame
How do you induct a superstar into the Hall Of Fame.
i yhink this is the best game in the wwe video game series… its one of the most personalised games especially since now you can design your own logo and entrance movie. its great they added trophies as well. its also goof=d they way they added more move situations such as undertakers leg drop at the side of the apron. only downsides are : takes too long to get caw atributes up; gameplay is much the sam as 09 and it gets very repetitive. but overall i think its a great game. also a big screw you to all the haters. they are wwe stands for world wrestling ENTERTAINMENT they’re entertainer not actual athletes. my bro used to luv it but faded out but now that we got satelite he’s sucked back in again!BRET HART & UNDERTAKER RULES!!!peace out
how do u get the trophy Face on the Big Screen
how can i Induct a Superstar into the HALL OF FAME.
does 09 have trophies?
is there a cheat to beat the game than u can go throw and get the trophys ๐
can any one help me with the 16 strong grapple moves its the only trophy left i need to get
how to do hall of fame cand any one help me
i need help getting the hall of fame nominee please someone tell me
u need 2 go through carrer and when u win atleast 6 defend any belt and do a tables match atleast 3 times and ding U GOT THE HALL OF FAME trophy
idk how im going to get the opponent to get to the top rope themselves in order 4 me 2 try 2 reverse it.
how do you unlock the last locked superstars. There are 2 of them.
if u want to unlock dusty rhodes and the million dollar man you gotta do the rtw from randy twice. at the wrestlemania you have a triple treath match with orton (you), cody rhodes and ted dibiase. pin cody to get dusty rhodes, after that you gotta start the rtw again and pin at wrestlemania ted to get the million dollar man.
and to unlock natalya`s and kendrick`s other suit you have to do the rtw of mickie james twice. after some matches you gotta choose for natalya or for kendrick choose natalya to get kendrick`s other suit. after that you start again the rtw and choose kendrick to get natalya`s clothes.
oh yeah if anyone want to know how you get hornswoggle GIVING YOU A ITEM than just ask it ๐
@ewok </a.
No duh, but what if we don't have a second controller? -_-
yes easy just win six single tiles in career mode defend one title three times then it should say either on XBOX achevement inducted a superstar into hall of fame
or on PS3 trophy unlocked inducted a superstar into hall of fame or come up on game you are now a legend and a member of the hall of fame ๐
yo what do u need to get hidden trophy?
trade an item how u do dat?!!
whats the cheat
when we set the difficulty to legend then go to scrambel match and put the time 20 min wich championship do we need to enter and with do we need to pla please reply
You can use a second controll
how do i do the hidden trophies 50 & 100 reversals
do i do them i one match
n how do i know how many i have done
u have to buy stone cold from playstation store only 79p
In my opinion this ia the easiest game in the world to get a Platinum,and it was my 1st platiinum lol
what does it mean when it says “original design”??? i need this for the platinum!!!! any help please?
i have every single trophy except for the hidden one
how do i do spring board dive plz help its my las trophy
@Mike Green
do edges story and say no for champs helping each other out and a little later there will b a secondary goal and complete it 2 unlock red and green
Can someone tell me how to do the “Finisher Dive vs Standing Opp” on the checklist?
Just change a character with the moves you need probz Brain Kendrick coz hes bad and just use him and chavo or another cruiserweight
Hello I see this question was asked twice but no answers for it how do you do the Springboard dives for teh training checklist? Please need that to complete the list thanks
im having troubles in doing the ‘CHECK OUT THE NEW THREADS’ trophy.How do we create a thread for a created superstar? whoever helps i will send them a created superstar with a overall of 100! ๐
How do u get hidin trophy
Stuck help meeeeeeeeeeeeee