X-Blades Trophies
Total Trophies: 38X-Blades a third-person hack-and-slash action title featuring an enchanting heroine that destroys anything in her path using guns, blades, magic, and a healthy dose of stylish flair.
Easy Walk
Complete game at Normal difficulty
Everyday business
Complete game at Hard difficulty
Oops, are you OK?
Kill your first monster
Annoying fly
Kill a monster in the air using blades
Take that!
Execute your first combo
Being good is easy
Complete game with a “good” ending at Normal difficulty
Finish him
Defeat The Dark One at The Dark Temple
Dark side
Execute Dark form for the first time
Light side
Execute Light form for the first time
Let’s go shopping
Use every item at least once
Nice silver thingie
Collect 3 silver artifact parts
Nice gold thingie
Collect 3 gold artifact parts
Nice ruby thingie
Collect 3 ruby artifact parts
Shooting master
Get maximum Shooting upgrade level
Melee master
Get maximum Melee upgrade level
Airstrike master
Get maximum Airstrike upgrade level
Unbelievable metabolism
Upgrade health regeneration level to maximum
I’m so special
Learn all Special Form upgrades
Monster hunter
Kill 100 monsters
Monster killer
Kill 1000 monsters
Soul collector
Collect 5 000 souls
Great soul collector
Collect 50 000 souls
Tough fight
Complete game at Pro difficulty
Can’t touch me
Complete level without losing your health
Magic woman
Complete level using only magic
Good girl
Complete game with a “good” ending at Hard difficulty
Servant of the Dark
Learn all Dark spells
Light adept
Learn all Light spells
Counter impossible
Get IMPOSSIBLE hit counter
Lock and load
Learn all shooting improvements
Master of all skills
Get maximum Shooting, Melee and Airstrike upgrade level
Famous monster eliminator
Kill 10 000 monsters
Epic soul collector
Collect 5 000 000 souls
Can you EVER touch me?
Complete 6 levels without losing your health
Flawless victory
Win a boss fight without losing your health
It’s hard to be a good girl
Complete game with a “good” ending at Pro difficulty
The best soul collector
Collect 50 000 000 souls
Awarded for successfully collecting all trophies from X-Blades
another game ruined… by guns.
seriously… why have guns in an enchanted land?
oh well… might get it… loving the trophies for this one.
but these arent normal guns, they’re gunswords! like cervantes in soul calibur!
This dont look very good, just looks like a tacky chinky game.
Omg at one of them trophies, complete 6 levels without loosing your health? I dunno how easy the levels will be but that sounds hard.
looks like there is not much buzz on this game..might check it out cause of the trophies.
terrible rip off of devil may cry. I REFUSE to play this, even if someone gave it to me as a present.
the cell shading looks nice and all, but the story, voice acting sounds terrible. gameplay is almost an exact copy of dmc.
huge no go.
i dont care its trophies ill be getting it deffo
hmmm..might have to double check the game if it sucks..trophies are the only thing that makes people buy this..i’d rather choose F.E.A.R 2 or Sega Genesis Collection than this game..good luck to the people getting this game for the trophies..i almost have 10 platinums but i wont bother with the trophies if this game sucks..i’d rather play the old school Genesis games than this one..
pobert quote: “I’d rather play the old school genesis games than this one..” HOW DARE YOU! comparing this game to the Sega Genesis Collection (GOAT) is an insult to all true gamers.
With the ‘save at any point’ feature I’ll finally be able to beat the games that I couldn’t back in the 1990’s.
As for X-blades i think i’ll pass. Its kind of sad seeing people play shitty games just for the trophies. I would rather play Little Big Planet than this hunk of garbage.
I might rent it if IGN gives it more than an 7.0
lol thickbrow..i didn’t compare this game with Sega Genesis Collection..i said that i would play that game instead of this cos what’s the point of playing this if the game is shitty even if it has trophies? anyways,if i said it the wrong way sorry..now back to playing..lol
IGN didnt give it to bad of a review. its got a low score but thats bc its just something we have all seen before nothing new. Its a hack and slash game. But to those that played and loved Heavenly Sword would feel at home here. I will probably pick this up myself but not until the price drops a bit.
Why don’t you people play the games yourselves then judge what you think of the game then?
I myself will rent it OR find it cheap on ebay or something….And after i have played it i’ll say what i think of the game. I never go by what game reviewers say. Renting a game is the way to find out if you like it or not…and it doesn’t cost that much to rent….
Wow that’s one kinky chick! +1 rep for this game, this might be the only reason that I’m (maybe) getting this.
graphics suck,gameplay sucks..they were right this game sucks..i recommend playing Devil May Cry rather than this game even if it doesnt have trophies
just had this game for a week. man oh man the gameplay/camera angles totaly ruined this anime tomb raider game.
I actully have this game, and its a really great game, I enjoy it so much. Don’t just go for what have people say, withthe whole ” IGN ” review. I don’t like ” Devil May Cry ” both games are different.